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Small open-mouthed cup kat.ara_ (Or.), kat.t.o_raga (Pkt.)

kat.a_ram cauldron (Ta.)

To throw kad. (kat.t.-) = to throw (Pa.); kat.a_vu = to drive in a nail (Ma.)
Hero kad.uve (Tu.)
Bracelet khar.ua_ = wrist ornament (H.); khad.u_ (Skt.); kha_ruwa_ = large iron ring (A.)

kat.akam (Ta.)

Turning lathe kad.avu (Tu.)
Monkey gad.ava = male monkey (Ka.); gad.d.e_ (Go.); kat.uvan= (Ta.)
Ram gar.era (Or.); xar. (Br.); = sheep (G.); kad.avu = male of sheep; or goat (Ta.) gad.ariya_= shepherd (H.) kad.ava = elk, Indian stag, rusa aristotalis (Ka.) kedub, kerub, ked.ub (Pa.)

kar.c ib = very excellent iron (Ko.)

kad.tale = a long-edged sword (Tu.)

sign245.jpg (967 bytes)Varia245.jpg (5382 bytes)sign246.jpg (1109 bytes)
Signs 245, 246 + variants
Enclosed ground kat.ra_, kat.r.a_ = piece of ground enclosed and inhabited, market town, market, suburb (H.); kam.t.i)_ = space near a village, ground near a mountain, neighbour- hood (Pkt.); kan.t.a = boudary of a village (Skt.); ka~_t.he = arable land near the edge of a hill (M.); ka_t.h = border, edge (M.)
M268.jpg (2003 bytes)m268 Buffalo calf kat.r.a_ = young buffalo (Ku.); kat.iya_ = buffalo heifer (H.); young buffalo bull (H.)

kar.a_ (Kur.)

kat.a_r (P.), kat.ha_ri (Tu.), kat.t.a_ri_ = knife (Pkt.)

kat.ho_ra = hard (Skt.)

karttr.ka_ = knife, dagger (Skt.)

karkad.e = dagger (Ka.); kakkat.a (Ma.)

mus.-kat.a_ri_ = dagger (Gaw.)

ka_tr = scissors (L.)(IL 1674)

[kat.t.i = clod, lump, hard (Ta.); kat.hara = hard (Skt.); kad.d. = be rough (Dha_tup.); kar.a_, kar.r.a_ (H.)

Young, plump bull kat.a_ri (Ta.Ma.); khad.a_yi (G.) ko_d.iya = a young bull (Te.), ko_d.e, ko_d.e_lu plump young bull (Te.)[kan-r-u = colt (Ta.)] go_nde = bull (Ka.)

gar.i = lazy bullock (B.)

ghat.t.e_ti = dashes against (Pali)

Trap ka_tar, ka_tri (IL 1673)
Wooden stopper of a narrow- mouthed earthen vessel gat.t.a (Te.), gat.t. (P.)

[kad.ambu = cover of a pot (Ta.)

Quail ka_t.a (Ma.)

gad.ure = a black heron (Kur.)

ka_t.a (Kui)

kat.ika = bolt, sliding catch (Ta.)

peg, short bolt, hook
Beard about the chin gad.d.a (Ka.)

kat.t.e = whiskers (Go.)

Headless trunk kad.uku (Ka.)
Young fish gad.a (Skt.)
Mountain pass ghat.t.a (Skt.); quay (Skt.)
Threshold kad.apa (Te.); ket.t.akam = house (Ma.)
Platform kat.t.a_ (Kol.)
Way kat.avu (Ta.); kar.v = cattle path (Ko.)
Leap, jump, cross kat.avai = to leap, jump (Ta.); kad.a = a stride (Ko.); kr.a_ = to cross (Mand.); kad.p- to cross (Pa.)
sign162.jpg (950 bytes)Varia162.jpg (4144 bytes)sign167.jpg (946 bytes)Varia167.jpg (3953 bytes)sign169.jpg (949 bytes)Varia169.jpg (7281 bytes)sign387.jpg (990 bytes)Varia387.jpg (4152 bytes)sign389.jpg (1046 bytes)Varia389.jpg (4797 bytes)
Signs162, 167, 169, 387,389 +variants

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Signs163, 166-6, 168, 90, 91,223,224,227,235.262,270,273,274, 282,283,291,331,347-352, 355-357,371,372, 388-390,395,405
Ear of paddy katir (Ta.); kadir (Ka.); kadi (Kod.)

See also: rice-sheaf (Kur.)

Bison ka_t.t.a_ (Ta.); ka_t.i (P.)

[ka_t.e = a wild, untamed beast (Tu.)]

katy (Ko.), katti (Ta.)

kati.r (katrc-) = to cut (Ko.)

[kot.t.i-katti = billhook (Kod.); kod.ka, kor.val = sickle (Nk.); katti = knife (Tu.); parkatti = sickle (Tu.)]

betka_t.i (Kon:kan.i)

katkianari = soldiers (Kuwi); katk- = to cut with axe (Nk.)

kati.r = to cut (Ko.)

billhook, knife









H176a.jpg (3420 bytes)H176b.jpg (3965 bytes)
Bier kha_t. (H.G.M.Kon.) bisatti (Tu.) knife
Grass gan.d.ri (Kuwi); gad.d.i (Te.); khe_t.a (Skt.)
Spear of grass katir (Ta.), ka_d. = weeds in field (Pa.)
Broad-mouthed pot ka_t.a = vessel for holding liquid (KS. X.6.4); ka_t.i (Ta.), kha_ri_ = a measure of capacity for grain (Ta. S.I.I., iii,9)

ka_t.i-cca_l = broad-mouthed pot for keeping sour rice water (Ta.); ka_t.icca_lmu_lai = NE corner where waster water is emptied in a pot at a sacrifice (Ta.); gad.d.a proyyi = a fireplace or hearth with 3 or 4 inverted hemispherical clods placed on it (Te.)

ka_t.i  = fireplace in the form of a long ditch (Ta.); ka_t.ya = being in a hole (VS. XVI.37); ka_t.a hole, depth (RV. i. 106.6)

ka_t.a (Ash.)

kat.ika, kat.t.ika (Te.)

ka_t.i (Ta.)



groove in woodwork.

Hare s'as'a, saso, sasalum = hare, rabbit (G.); soso, sosea_ (Kon:kan.i) s'a_sa (Skt.) sword or knife

[s'as = to cut (Skt.)]

sign148.jpg (977 bytes) Svastika_ sign sathiya_ (H.), sa_thiyo (G.); satthia, sotthia (Pkt.) satthra_ (P.) weapon
Meeting of four roads svastika (Skt.) swadhiti (RV.AV.)


svadhi-hetika = axe-armed, a soldier armed with axe; svadha_ = an axe, knife (TS.)


sathiya_ (H.)

sathia_, satthaka = knife (Pkt.Ka.)

catti (Ta.)

axe to cut wood (RV. 3.8.11)


sword (RV. 2.39.7)





knife, dagger



spear, trident, dart


s'astra = a weapon (G.); sastar = sword (P.)

svastiyantra = a surgical instrument o a particular form (Skt.)

Overflow, brimful = full, overflow (Ta.), teke = brimful (Tu.)
Sprout tegal (Tu.) tegl (Tu.) = chisel (Skt.)

tan.gli_ = rake with 4 or 5 forks (P.) = mace (Ma.);,,, = staff, cudgel (Ka.) t.hen:ga_ = cudgel (IL 4342)

Rim deg, dege (Kon:kan.i)
Retreat, flee tege (Ka.)
Cauldron d.hegi (S.)
Boat d.e~_gi (Bhoj.)
To attack ta_n:ku = to hit against (Ta.); ta~_ku = to attack; combat (Te.)
Ox (IL 4063)
Beam of well d.he~ki (Pkt.); d.heke~ = curved piece of wood to press down roller of mill (M.)
Hoof d.ek (Kond.a), = leg; ta_n:gu - hoof (Kui) (IL 4098)

ta_k = to walk (Pa.)

H196a.jpg (2574 bytes)H196b.jpg (2612 bytes)h196A,B Carrying on shoulders d.ehka (Kui), d.e_k = to carry on shoulder (Mand.); d.e_ka (IL 4110)


cekil=on the shoulders (Ta.) (Ta.)

tegal, tegal. = shoulder (Ka.), cekil, cuval = upper part of the shoulder (Ta.)

tega (Santali)



tan:ga, tunger (IL 4098)

ten:goc (Santali)

teg (P.) = chisel (IL 4098)

d.a_gili (Te.)

scimitar, a cutlass

a cudgel, staff

large axe

small axe






Stick t.he~ga_, t.a_n:ga (IL 4063a) (IL 4063a) pole with hook
Pillar placed at the junction of 3 boundaries tehr.a (Santali)

t.eka = prop (OAw.)

Body (1) deh (Santali)
Hillock t.ek (M.)
Temple (Ta.), de_gula, de_gul.a (Ka.), de_u_l.a (M.)
Claws of crabs (Santali)

da~t = a tooth (Santali)

datre (Santali) da_tra = sickle, knife (RV.)

da~t (Santali)

a small sickle

a mattock

Nave of a wheel tubu (Ka.), tu_b (M.) tu_bu (Ka.)

tu_mbara (Tu.)

[tumbu= a bore (Ka.)

eye of an axe

eye of a spade

priest-t.jpg (2642 bytes) Globular pendant tumpu (Ta.)
Lute thumri (H.)(IL 4677) to_mara (Skt.) javelin
Sluice tu_mbu (Tu.) tro_mba = priest (Kuwi)
Food laid out for the dead du_pe (Tu.)
Root(s) dumpa (Ka.); so_mbu (Kond.a)
Honeycomb tumbilli_ (Pkt.)
Quail (1) tumba (Kui)
Tub (1) to_mpu (Ta.)
Wasp du_mba_ (Kur.)
Fat-tailed ram dumba_ (P.)
Elephant's trunk tumbi (Tu.)
Scorpion pot.t.e (Ga.); pot.t.i, pot.t.iya (Te.)
Eyelash pot.a (Ga.)
Space between two joints por (H.); per joint, articulation (M.)
Honeycomb pol., pol.e~ (M.); polo (Ku.); polo, pwa_lo (N.) pokol = cocoon (Kur.) pol.l.u = hollow empty (Ma.Ka.); empty (Tu.); polka = hollow (Pa.) po_lo_ = hollow (Br.) pol.i = holes made with a chisel (Ta.); = boring a hole, chiselling (Ta.); pod.ucu = to perforate, bore (Te.)
Slope of hill por. (Ko.); = long (of a jump)(Kol.)
Scales of fish pod.asu (Tu.); pola, polasu (Te.)
Bird pot.i (Kond.a.Pe.); pot.a (Kui)
Calf of leg pota (Pe.Kui)
Rivalry po_t.i (Ka.Tu.Ta.)
Hermaphrodite po_t.e
sign162.jpg (950 bytes) Sprout of grain pod.e (Kurub.); pot.i = to shoot, spring up (Ta.); pot.ikka = sprout (Ma.); pot.t. = tender ear of corn (Tu.); pot. = grain in embruyonic stage (Pa.)
Drop, spot, round mark pot.t.u (Ta.Ma.); bot.t.u (Ka.Te.); bot.t.a (Tu.); bot (Pa.); bot.u (Kond.a) [bod.orka = bubble (Pa.)
standard1-t.jpg (2529 bytes)H098.jpg (4144 bytes)h098
Brass-founder's lathe
Cleaning instrument po_tra = the Potr.'s soma vessel (RV.), pot = jeweller's polishing stone (Bi.)

[pot = glass bead (P.B.H.G.M.); puti = necklace of glass beads; potti_ = glass (Pkt.)

Upper part of back pot (Pa.); pottel = back, behind (Pa.); pot.,, pottu = back (Ga.)
To hide ul.i (IL 1225) ul.i (IL 1219) profession
Sun (to shine) ule (IL 1231)
Green twig with leaves ulavai (Ta.)(IL 1233)
Mane ul.a (IL 1240); cf. ivul.i = horse (Ta.)
Body (Ta.) udalla, pl. udalu = a kind of hoe (Si.); udda_la = pressing, rushing (Pkt.); ura_l = a mortar (A.); ural.u a large mortar (Tu.) hoe
Fish uluvai (Ta.)(IL 1221)


ul.e (IL 1217)

ur..a (Ma.)
[ulavai, ul.i-kkompu = horn (Ta.)(IL 1215)]

utal. = ram (Ta.Ma.); hud.a = ram (Pkt.Skt.); hur., hu~r. (WPah.); hur.ea_l, hur.ea_r = the wild shill sheep or oorial (L.); hur.ia_r (P.); hun.d.u_ = fighting ram (P.)

ul.i (IL 1218a)

ur..a (IL 1236)


king's paraphernalia

Drum ut.ukkai (Ta.); hudu.kka_ (Skt.) ur..alai (Ta.); hud.ukka (Skt.) bar of a door
To wrestle ut.akku (Ma.) ut.akku (Ma.)

pur..uku (Ta.)

Fish (Ta.)(IL 1082) utan. (Ta.) stake, arrow
Waterc~2.jpg (2985 bytes)
Ur seal impression
Note: Two stars: phonetic determinants; enclosure signs of the field:

( )
Meteor, to shine ul.ku, ul.uku (Ka.); ulka_ (Skt.); ul.ku = to shine (Ka.); ukka_ (Pkt.) ulu_khala (RV.)

ukkhal, ukkhul (P.); ukhal.a (Or.); ukhali ((A.); ukhal., ukhl.u~, ukhl.o (G.)

ula_w = a fragment of stone or wood flying off when cut; ullu_na = cut off (S'a_n:khS'r.)

lauha = made of copper or iron (Gr.S'r.); metal, iron (Skt.); lo_haka_ra = coppersmith, ironsmith (Pali); lo_ha_ra = blacksmith (Pt.); lohal.a (Or.); lo_ha = metal, esp. copper or bronze (Pali); copper (VS.); loho, lo_ = metal, ore, iron (Si.)

Ropes of carrying yoke ut.ka (P)a.), ut.u, ut.i (Go.), ur_ i = (Ta.); ukkam = rope (Ta.)

u_d.hi = carrying (Skt.)

va_had.iya_ = carrying pole (Pkt.)

Woof, woven u_ta, uta = woven (Skt.); wu_nu (K.); u_t.u, = woof, thread woen across the warp (Ta.); u_t.a = cross-thread (Ma.)
Hip ud.u, ud.e, ud.i, ud.a = hip, waist (Ka.); ut.a = groin (Ma.); od.i katti = Coorg sword (worn at waist of back)(Kod.)
Boar udha_, u_dha_ po_tra, a_yudha

pottiram = missile weapon (Ta.)

a_u_t, au_t, aut = implement, tool plough, as much land as two bullocks can plough; autya_ = ploughman (M.); a_yudha = weapon (RV.); yo_dha = warrior (RV.); jodho = warrior (S.)

uyu = plough (Pr.); ur..u = to plough (Ta.); u_d.uni (Tu.); dunnu (Te.)

u_d.ha = drawn (RV.)

missile weapon
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