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Leaf (1) pa_t
Joint, knotty parus.a, parvan
Ibex s'a_ru (IL 3760) tsaru, charu, saru_ (IL 6088) handle of sword
Elephant e_nugu (Te.) e_ng (IL 5698), ve_gu (Mand.); ve_go (Kuwi) sickle
Eyelid rampe (Tu.) rampa (Tu.) saw
Lute can:gu (IL 2909)
Bush jhan:g (IL 3017)
Copulation san:ga_ (IL 2910)
Turn-back san:gil (IL 2902)
Pannier s'an:kara, akkha (IL 2892)
Goose s'an:ku (IL 2879)
Twelve fingers' measure s'an:ku (IL 2878), co~ga_ = two hand-breadths (IL 3121)
Neck s'an:kra (IL 2978)
Bridge san:gla (IL 2944)
LIkeness, pair san:gal.a, san:ga_d.i_  = pair; sahalu = likeness (IL 2942)
Vein in leaf s'an:ku (IL 2877) s'an:ku (Skt.) stake
Jump saral.u (IL 3704)
Afterbirth sa~_wal (IL 4017) sabbala (IL 3995)
dabbal.amu = tunny-thread needle (Te.)
Spotted s'abala (RV.) sabal. (IL 3576) crowbar
Two, pair cavala
Empty corn cavalai (Ta.)(IL 4047)
Slant caval. (IL 4048)
Fish, sabhara, sabala = spotted fish , (IL 3570, 4024)
M304a.jpg (4857 bytes)m304a Sitting sitting cross-leggd (Ta.Ma.); (Ta.)
Sound sappal.a (IL 3545)
M582a.jpg (3951 bytes)M582b.jpg (4604 bytes)
m582copper tablet
Hunter, archer s'abara (AitBr.); savara (Pali.Pkt.); sahara, saara, saura Gar.aja_t (Or.); habaraya_ = archer, a vadda_ (Si.)
Tusk, jaw bone, tooth jabhr.a_ = lower jaw-bone, jaw (H.)(IL 3553)
K067at~1.jpg (3665 bytes)k067tabletM551a.jpg (5517 bytes)M551b.jpg (5657 bytes)
m551 copper tablet
C023.jpg (3880 bytes)c23
Antelope s'ambara (VS.); sam.bara (Pkt.); sa_bar = elk (P.);a large kind of stag (H.G.); sa_mbar (H.); sa_mara_ pl. deer (OG.); sa~_bar, sa_mar = a sot of elk, cervus elephas, cervus hippelephas, ervus aristotelis (M.) s'amba = weapon used by Indra (RV.); iron head of pestle (Skt.); s'ambin = rower (AV.); = thunderbolt (Pkt.); ham = punting pole (K.); samm= ferrule (P.); sa_mo = iron ring of a pestl (Ku.); sa~_bi =ferrule (N.); sa_mi (B.); sa~_pi (B.); sa_mi = small iron ring in blade of weeding knife, ferrule on bottom of pestle (Bi.)i.); sa_ma_, sa_mma_ = short metal tube strengthening inside of axle of ekka_ (Bi.); s'eb, s'ebi_ = ferrule, ring round end of anything, tip of arrow (M.); s.amut = wooden lever, crowbar (Sh.); sama_t.h = pestle for crushing bricks (Mth.); cammat.t.i = smith's large hammer, sledge (Ta.); hammer for beating metal into plates or thin leaves (Ta.Ma.); somot.y = hammer (To.); cammat.(t.)ige sledge hammer (Ka.); camat.ige (Tu.); sammet.a (Te.)

sambha_ran.u = to guard (S.); sa~bha_lu~ (G.)

smith's sledge hammer
Bowl sambal.ig (Ka.)e, sa~_par. = cavity formed by two bowls placed together (G.)(IL 3564)
Thigh of goat sa~_pro = thigh (of animals)(N.); sa~_pr.i_ = leg of a goat or sheep killed for meat (Ku.)
Beard kucca (Pkt.), kon~cu = mane of animals (Ma), ku_rcala = bearded (as an animal)(Ka_tyS'r.) khun~j (IL 1818a) crowbar
Fringe of garment kuci (IL 1453), kun~cu = skein (IL 1458)
Penis kucu (IL 1452) kucu (IL 1450), kur..a (IL 1945) ploughshare
Hub kur...ici (Ta.)
Copulation khuccn.a_ (P.)(IL 1818d)
Pillar ku_ccam (Ta.)
Creeper kun~ja arbour, place overrown with creepers or plants (MBh.)(IL 1818c)
Grab12.jpg (958 bytes)Sign 12 + variantsVaria-12-t.jpg (3301 bytes)


Yoke of plough












Split bamboo with ropes suspended from each end for carrying burdens (Ma.)

xa_xo_ = triangular frame made by folding a bamboo stem used in pairs for carrying logs (Kur.); ka_nju_ (pl. ka_ska) = a banghi, ka_nju (Pl. ka_ska) carrying yoke (Kuwi)

ka~d.i, ka~_d.i, ka_d.i (Te.), ka_har.i= carrying yoke (Go.); ka_n~, ka~_j, ka_nj (Ga.); ka_vad.a = carrying yoke (Pkt.); ka_vad.ia = one who caries burdens with yoke (Pkt.)

ka_ha_ra carrier of water or other burdens (Pkt.); ka_ha_l.a (Or.); kaha_r (M.); ka_ja carrying-pole (Pali); kahar (K.)

ka_r.. = pole used for propelling boats, elephant-goad (Ta.); kar..a = pole for carrying burdens (Ma.)

ka_war. (H.) ka_vat.i = pole used for carrying burdens (Ta.); ka_vu, ka_vat.i (Ma.)

ga~d.a_sa_ = chopper for cutting fodder (P.) ga~r.a_s, ga~r.a_sa_ = fodder cutter; ga~r.a_si_ its blade (Bi.); ga~r.a_s a partiular iron instrument (Bhoj.); ga~r.a_sa_ = knife for cutting fodder or sugarcane (H.)

[acc = to saw, split (G.); asye = to chisel (Malt.)]

[asi = sword (RV.); a_cu = hilt (Ta.); a_sman = stone (RV.)]

gan.d.ra god.d.ali (Te.), kud.ari (Tu.)







broad axe

Grin igulu (Te.)
Branch channel hikkalu (IL 4158)
Disjoin legs higgalisu (Ka.) ikul.i, ikul. (Ta.) thunderbolt
Bull salaga (IL 3861) cala_kai (Ta.) spear
Babool tree ja_li (IL 3868), sala_ = tree (IL 3897)
Quail salle (IL 3867)
Spider s'alaka (IL 3882a) s'a_lika (IL) village of artisans
Interlocking bodies ca_li (IL 3872) sala_yisu (Ka.) joining of metal
Sun dha_man (Skt.); dhammi_ = dawn (L.)dhamati = blows (RV.); dhaun.a_ = to blow with bellows (P.); dhaman.i_ = bellows (Pkt.)
Raft (Ta.)
rhd1A.jpg (4570 bytes)rhd1B.jpg (4409 bytes)rhd1A,Bbone seal
Two scorpions flanking a frog and T; two antelopes
Pict-71.jpg (940 bytes)Field symbol 71
Frog taval.a (Ma.) ta_vad.amu, ta_val.amu (Te.)

thavani = fringemaker's hook (IL)

string of beads
Upper arm d.aula_ (IL 4982)
Flag d.ha_la (IL 4923) ta_l. (Ta.); ta_d.a, ta_la (Skt.); ta_l.a (Pali)

d.ha_la (Skt.); d.ha_l (P.G.M.L.H.)

bolt, bar, latch



Bull with one horn dhaul (IL 4992); dhaure_+ya = beast of burden (Skt.); dhorayha (Pali) dauli_, tol.l.ika (IL 4973) weeding knife
M289.jpg (3622 bytes)m289M274.jpg (8557 bytes)m274 Wooden trough dro_n.a (RV.); do_n.a (Pali) d.o_n.i, don.n.e, d.on.n.e  (Ka.); don. = big club (Ko.); don.n.e = club (Kod.); don.n.e, d.on.n.e = cudgel, club; don.elu = club (Tu.) cudgel, club
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