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Jump, trot kudur.-kudur. = a trot (Kur.)[cf. kutirai = horse]; guttu = a leap, a jump (Tu.)
UUU Pot kud.alu = small vessels (Te.); kut.a = pot (Pali) = pitcher (Skt.) ko_l.amba (Pali); (Ta.)

kum.d.a (Pkt.)

ku~d. = basin (G.)

son.d.e = pot (Kui.)

)))) Curve, bent kut.i = curve; kut.ika = bent (MBh.); = coil of string or rope (H.)
II Mark of punctuation

Notch of bow

kut. (A.) = breaking (Pali)

kutai = notch at end of bow to secure the loop of a bowstring (Ta.); kuta (Ma.); kudi = tip of bow (Kuwi)

ko_t.i = curved end of bow (MBh.)

kut. (Ku.)(IL 1963a)

ko_t.i (MBh.)

[kor = tip, point (H.)]


edge, point of sword

Stream kudaru (Ka.), ko_d.u = rivulet, branch of a river (Te.)
Hair, tassel ku_dlu (Ka.)

kon.d.e = tassel (Kod..)

Spider ko_lia (Pkt.), ko_ndru (Te.)
Anklet (Ta.)
Lute tan.t.u (Ta.)
Pond d.han.d.ha (S.)
Cork da_t.o (IL 4352)
Ladder = ladder (L.)
Body dhad.a = trunk of body  (Pkt.), tha_t.a = framework, skeleton (Or.) ta_r.a_= cotton-scutcher's mallet (P.); = cro9wbar (Or.)
Main road da~_r.a_, da_n.d.a (Or.HJ.)
Petiole of leaf d.a_t.ho (IL 4342a); d.i~_t.u = leaf stalk (G.); d.a_t.ho = fibres and stalk of tobaco leaf (S.)
Horn of ibex (S.)(IL 4330) jamada_d.i = sword (IL 4341)

dan.d.u (Te.); tan.d.a_ = caravan, troop, encampment, herd (Te.); tan.d.amu = troop, group (Te.); tan.d.aa = a group, party, assemblage (Apabhram.s'a)

ta~_d.a_ = troop, party, compay (M.); tan.t.u = army, troops (Ta.); troop, detachment (Ma.); tan.d.u, tan.d.a army, host (Tu.); ten.d.i = herd (Kor.)




Line of catle ta~_d.a_ a train or line (as of cattle)(M.); ta~_r.a_; = herd (IL 4362)
Upper arm d.and.a (Pa.); dand.a (Go.); (Kond.a); tan.t.a = forearm, upper arm (Ma.); dor-dan.d.a = a long arm (Skt.); d.and.e = upper arm (Kuwi)
Throw of dice da~_w (Ku.); da_V (G.)
To kick tand. (IKol.Nk.); tand (Go.); dand (Kond.a) = cast iron, iron rail, girder (Ta.); tan.d.ava_l.a = cast iron (Ka.)

tan.t.u   (IL 4338a); tandelu = club (Tu.)

dan.d.a = club (RV.); d.anni_ = raor handle (WPah.); d.a~_d.o = pole, handle (G.); d.a~_d.a_ = club, handle (M.); kam-d.en = yoke pole (Kt.); dan.d.a_ = roof-beam (Pas'.); dan.d.ala = plough handle (Pas'.)

cast metal girder


bludgeonl, club

Oppose tan.d.u (IL 4347)
Pole to carry burdens tan.t.a_yam (Ta.)(IL 4338)
Stalk d.a~_t. (B.H.); foot stock of lotus (Mth.); = stick (Bhoj.); t.a_n.d.a_ = dry stalk of ba_jra_ (L.); t.a~_d.a_ (P.) tan.t.iyam = cross-pole (Ta.)(IL 4340).
Bull d.ha~_d.ho = ox (G.); d.a~_d. = bullock (L.) da~_d (IL 4363)

da~_twa_l = ploughman (WPah.); da_ta = mowed (Pa_n.); dua_ = harvesting of rice (Or.); do = cut

da_ (A.)

da_, da_o = sickle, chopper (B.); = sickle (S.)

large knife
S'iva's dance ta_n.d.ava (Skt.); da_n.t.u = to jump, cross (Ka.); d.a_t. = to hop, jump, hop in dance, jump over (Kond.a) (Or.) crowbar
M493a.jpg (3884 bytes)M493b.jpg (3654 bytes)m493A,Btablet
H346a.jpg (1233 bytes)
H346b.jpg (1266 bytes)h346A,Bincised tablet
Dancing ko_nd.o_ = on all fours (Br.); ko_r- = to bend in dancing (Go.), = dancing (Te.); (Ta.) (Kol.) sickle
Scorpion kon.d.i = scorpion sting (Tu.)
Corner ko~_t.a (Pa.), gondi (Te.)
Fort, palace ko_t.a (Kuwi.)
" Little kondra  (Tu.), = small fragment (Nk.)

gu_t.e = knuckle (Kt.)

Numerative particle

Small ball

got.a = numerative particle (Mth.)

got. = small ball (A.)

Foot gor. (H.)
Vulva khod.u (IL 1890)
To lie in coils (2) = coil (N.); gunduri = circle (Kui.)
Hole kud.e (Tu.); got.aru (Ka.), (H.)
Bowels, entrails, intestines

Placenta,, kut.alai (Ta.);, = bowels, placenta, prolapsus ani (Ma.); kor.n. = small intestines (Ko.); kun.d.ali_ = a stomach of ruminants (Go.)
Short span jut.t.i (IL 3428)
Buttock, hip cu_ttu = anus, buttocks (Ta.); guda = anus (Pali)

gu_de =prolapsus anus (Ka.); ku_ti = anus (Tu.); buttocks in general (To.)


kulo, kulla_ (P.)

kun.d.e = buttocks, anus bottom of vessel (Ka.)

sutti (Tu); sutte (Te.Go.Tu.); suthi (Kuwi); sutki_ = an instrument of stone-s;litters (M.) hammer
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H180b.jpg (3521 bytes)
Birth kundrka_ (Kur.); kunde = to be born, be created (Malt.)
Dirty woman kun.t.a (Ma.)
Cripple (Ma.)
Bee tumbe = a large black bee resembling the humble-bee (Ka.); tumpi = dragon-fly (Ta.)
Quail tumba (Kui.Kuwi)
Fish tumpi (IL 4671)
Bier tumb (IL 4660)
Tail dumba (K.), dumb, dumm (P.H.)
Ear of millet dumb (L.)
Hind part duma_la_ (M.); dumo = back, shoulder (Typsy)
Tub to_mpu (Ta.); tombe = large high baboo basket kept for storing grain (Ka.)
H187a.jpg (2260 bytes)H187b.jpg (2363 bytes) Babool tree, acacia arabica tumba (Ga.); tumbe, tumbi = phlomis indica = leucas indica (Ka.Tu.); tumpa (Ma.)
Nave of a wheel tumba (IL4658)
Elephant's trunk tumbi (Tu.) sumba_ (P.); ramrod (N.); cold chisel (Bi.); su~bha_, su~ba_ = heavy iron instrument for splitting stone, rammer of a cannon (H.M.); sumbhati = strikes (Skt.Pkt.); subhna_ti (TS.) metal hammer
Frayed ends tumpu = border, fringe; frayed ends as of a gut (Ta.); tumpu, tunpu = end of a rope or string (Ma.)
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sign180.jpg (1027 bytes)Varia180.jpg (7743 bytes)sign181.jpg (1062 bytes)Signs 180-181+variants, ligature
Edging, trimming






go_t.u = an ornamental appendage to the border of a cloth, fringe, hem, edging (Te.); embroidery (Tu.);  kont.l.= pocket in outside edge of cloak (Ko.); got. = hem of garment (M.); got.a_ = edging of gold lace (H.)

kor.i = pegs in the ground in two rooms on which the thread is passed back and forth in preparing the warp (S.)

C023.jpg (3880 bytes)c023
M592a.jpg (2396 bytes)M592b.jpg (2607 bytes)m592A,Bcopper tablet
Deer (Go.) [, go_dalu = horned cattle (Te.); = nilgai (Pa.)] god.el (Go.)

kod.ari (Tu.)

kod.i = hoe (Kui), kor.i = spade (Or.)

kut. (Ku.)

kudal. (Nk.)

[ = to cut (Bhoj.); kot.yu_n.o = to dig up with a hoe (Ku.); = hoe (Pe.)] = digging (Mth.)

god.d.e_lu, god.d.e_li = axe (Te.); kuda_l.i_ (Or.), guddoli = pick-axe (Tu.)

[kudl.a_ = large hoe (M.); guddali = hoe (Ka.); = axe (Ka.)] khoren~, koran.t.e = hoe (Kon:kan.i)ko_thali = to hoe (Kuwi); kotti = pick-axe, stone-digger, carver (Ma.); kot.t.u = weeding hoe, spade (Ta.)]

kakot. = hoe with sharp, broad blade (Ko.); = spade (Tu.)

kun.t.e = harrow (Ka.); kho~r.a_= to dig (B.)

gun.t.aka = a harrow (Te.)

double-axe (Go.)


hoe, spade


one-sided pick-axe

sign51.jpg (1127 bytes)Varia-51.jpg (7711 bytes)
Sign51+ variants
Nd2.jpg (3600 bytes)Nd2
Bandicoot ko_d.el (Pa.)

[kod.el = rat (Go.)]

Ears of grain swollen (rady to shoot feorth) kut.alai (Ta.)
End of bow ko_t.i (MBh.)
Horn(s) ko_d.u = horn (Tu.); ko_t (pl. ko_rgul) (Ga.) ko_t.i (MBh.) point of sword
Banner kot.i (Ta.)
sign36.jpg (1060 bytes)sign216.jpg (1067 bytes)Varia216.jpg (2994 bytes)sign217.jpg (1019 bytes)Varia217.jpg (3361 bytes)sign218.jpg (1049 bytes)sign219.jpg (1102 bytes)Varia219.jpg (3611 bytes)sign220.jpg (1391 bytes)sign221.jpg (1084 bytes)sign222.jpg (980 bytes)sign223.jpg (988 bytes)sign224.jpg (1024 bytes)sign225.jpg (958 bytes)sign226.jpg (1023 bytes)sign227.jpg (1023 bytes)sign228.jpg (1013 bytes)Varia228.jpg (3039 bytes)sign229.jpg (1058 bytes)Varia229.jpg (3189 bytes)sign251.jpg (943 bytes)sign362.jpg (972 bytes)sign363.jpg (966 bytes)sign364.jpg (977 bytes)Signs 36, 216-229,251,362-364 + variants, ligatures Tongs (1) (Ma.), kot.iru (Ta.)
K053.jpg (4868 bytes)k053

K067at~1.jpg (3665 bytes)k067tablet

Top-leaf (2) kod.ire (Tu.), kod.i ele = betel leaf (Kod.)

kor..untu = tender leaf (Ta.) kholo = leaf (Kon:kan.i)

kor..u (Ma.Ta.)

[kor.ta = month of Bhadra (Aug.-Sept.) when new paddy is worshipped (Go.)

H178a.jpg (1877 bytes)H178b.jpg (1877 bytes)h178A,Btablet Breast kor.i_ = breast of a quadruped (L.)

ko_la (Skt.), kro_d.a = breast, bosom (AV.)

Jaws kot.ir_ u (Ta.) (Tu.), kor.i (Or.)

kot.t.u (Tu.)

khod.ra_ = hole (Kur.);, khot.ra_ hollow in tree (H.)

To sit down ku_r (Ka.) = to sit down (Ka.); kol.l.ani, kulli (Kor.)

ku_t.a = hip (Tu.)

kurki = thigh (Go.)

Wild buffalo


goraka (Te.)

[ (Pe.); (Kuwi)] ko_ru (Kui)

Quail (2) gun.d.ral (Go.), = cooing of pigeons (Ka.); gud.r = to coo (Kuwi)
Fish (2) xotor (Kur.) kutar_ru(Ta.)[kotarvu~ = to dig, care (G.)]

gud.ipen = to cut crops or grass (Kol.); = to chop off, cut down (Br.)

To dig up
Nilgai, blue bull = nilgai (Pa.); (ma_v_= a kind of deer; khod.d.a ma_v = blue bull (Go.); god. = bison (Go.); gura = bison (Kond.a)
Pot with narrow-mouth kut.uvai (Ta.); kut.uva, kut.uka = small vessel (Ma.)

ko_rmo_ = pitcher (Nin:g.); ko_l.amba = pot (Pali); kol.a~be~ = pot with large opening (M.)

Saddle girth proper tan.g (P.)
Drum par-a
Tray, cup ko_Ra (Te.)
Horn kogoo (Go.) (Pe.)

[ = to cut (Bhoj.); kot.yu_n.o = to dig up with a hoe (Ku.)] = digging (Mth.)

Fish (8) kur-avai = murrel (Ta.), koR-R = black murrel (Te.), kur_icci = a fish many sharp bones (Ma.)
Antelope kurahu (Kuwi), kuran:ga (Ka.)

kor-r-a = ram (Ma.)

[kura = bull calf (Go.)] kulanga, kulunga = going in a herd, antelope (VS.); kulmi = a herd (TS. ii.4.5.2)

kuraga (Ka.), khura_rya_ (M.)

[kora-mut.t.u = tool, instrument (Ka.)]

An instrument of goldsmiths; a sort of anvil
Cock koru = cock (Kol.)

ser-i kor-u (Kond.a), xe_r = fowl (Kur.)

khuro (N.)

khura = razor (Pali); ks.ura (RV.), sharp barb of arrow (R.); khura_ iron nail to fix ploughshare (H.)

kur_ai = to reap, cut (Ta.)

head of a spear
H178a.jpg (1877 bytes)H178b.jpg (1877 bytes)h178A,Btabletsign341.jpg (980 bytes)Varia341.jpg (7092 bytes)sign35.jpg (1067 bytes)Varia-35.jpg (4148 bytes)Sign 341, 35+variants, ligature Hoof


khura (Ka_tyS'r.), kuracu , kuraccai = horse's hoof (Ta.), kul.ampu = hoof (Ta.)

kur_aku (Ma.)

Carry on the shoulder gok (IL 1318)
Branch kohk (Go.), gopka_ = branches (Kui), kob = branch (Ko.)
M309a.jpg (5984 bytes)m309a To look up go_k (Kuwi)

xo_xna_ =to turn one's back upon (Kur.)

gorka, gohka (Go.)

goraka (Te.)


gor-ugu = to shave (Te.); gor-r-u = an implement of husbandry used both as a harrow and a drill-plough (Te.)]

koru = bar of metal (Ta.)


metal arrow

drill plough (Te.)

Large branch cut off from thornbush kor_i (Ka.) kor_e, kor_i To bore a hole by a drill (Ka.)
Sheep, ram (2) gor-r-e (Te.), kor-r-an = ram (Ma.), kur_i, kor_ i, kur_iho_ta = ram (Ka.)
Head-man (1) kor-r-avan (Ma.)
Drummer bot.t.ele (Tu.) bot.t.e (Te.) arrowhead shaped like a long bud (Te.)
Head-man (2) (Tu.)

po_r-r-i = priest (Ma.), bot.t. (Kon:kan.i)

Hunting bo_n.t.e, bo_t.e (Tu.)
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Signs 195-203, 61 + variants, ligatures
Gate ko_t.t.i, ko_s.t.i = tower/temple entrance (Ta.); kot.t.iyampalam = gate with small roofing at top (Ta.) ku_d.aliva_yi_ = gable end of a house (Te.)
E Cowshed kor.i (G.)

kor.ka, korka   (Go.); (Ta.), kot.t.ya, mide (Tu.)

[kot.t.iyam= a herd of pack-bullocks (Ta.); kod. = a cowpen (G.); gos.t.ha (Skt.), (Ta.)]


kor.i (Or.)

kot.i_ (Jat.ki_)


kor.a_ = to dig, bore through, pierce (B.); ko_t.ayate_ = breaks (Dha_tup.); kor.na_, korna_ = to dig up, scrape out, carve (H.)

a_ca_ri kot.t.ya = forge, kamma_rasa_le (Tu.) kod. = place where artisans work (G.)


iron rod for stirring molten metal

Sailing boat ko_t.ya, ko_t.iya = sailing vessel (Tu.), ko_t.t.iya = a sea-boat (Ceylon)(Ma.)
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