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Jump, trot | kudur.-kudur. = a trot (Kur.)[cf. kutirai = horse]; guttu = a leap, a jump (Tu.) | ||||
UUU | Pot | kud.alu = small vessels (Te.); kut.a = pot (Pali) = pitcher (Skt.)
ko_l.amba (Pali); (Ta.) kum.d.a (Pkt.) ku~d. = basin (G.) son.d.e = pot (Kui.) |
)))) | Curve, bent | kut.i = curve; kut.ika = bent (MBh.); = coil of string or rope (H.) | |||
II | Mark of punctuation Notch of bow |
kut. (A.) = breaking (Pali) kutai = notch at end of bow to secure the loop of a bowstring (Ta.); kuta (Ma.); kudi = tip of bow (Kuwi) ko_t.i = curved end of bow (MBh.) |
(Ku.)(IL 1963a) ko_t.i (MBh.) [kor = tip, point (H.)] |
hoe edge, point of sword |
Stream | kudaru (Ka.), ko_d.u = rivulet, branch of a river (Te.) | ||||
Hair, tassel | ku_dlu (Ka.) kon.d.e = tassel (Kod..) |
Spider | ko_lia (Pkt.), ko_ndru (Te.) | ||||
Anklet | (Ta.) | ||||
Lute | tan.t.u (Ta.) | ||||
Pond | d.han.d.ha (S.) | ||||
Cork | da_t.o (IL 4352) | ||||
Ladder | = ladder (L.) | ||||
Body | dhad.a = trunk of body (Pkt.), tha_t.a = framework, skeleton (Or.) | ta_r.a_= cotton-scutcher's mallet (P.); = cro9wbar (Or.) | |||
Main road | da~_r.a_, da_n.d.a (Or.HJ.) | ||||
Petiole of leaf | d.a_t.ho (IL 4342a); d.i~_t.u = leaf stalk (G.); d.a_t.ho = fibres and stalk of tobaco leaf (S.) | ||||
Horn of ibex | (S.)(IL 4330) | jamada_d.i
= sword (IL 4341) dan.d.u (Te.); tan.d.a_ = caravan, troop, encampment, herd (Te.); tan.d.amu = troop, group (Te.); tan.d.aa = a group, party, assemblage (Apabhram.s'a) |
army |
Line of catle | ta~_d.a_ a train or line (as of cattle)(M.); ta~_r.a_; = herd (IL 4362) | ||||
Upper arm | d.and.a (Pa.); dand.a (Go.); (Kond.a); tan.t.a = forearm, upper arm (Ma.); dor-dan.d.a = a long arm (Skt.); d.and.e = upper arm (Kuwi) | ||||
Throw of dice | da~_w (Ku.); da_V (G.) | ||||
To kick | tand. (IKol.Nk.); tand (Go.); dand (Kond.a) |
= cast iron, iron rail, girder (Ta.); tan.d.ava_l.a = cast iron (Ka.) tan.t.u (IL 4338a); tandelu = club (Tu.) dan.d.a = club (RV.); d.anni_ = raor handle (WPah.); d.a~_d.o = pole, handle (G.); d.a~_d.a_ = club, handle (M.); kam-d.en = yoke pole (Kt.); dan.d.a_ = roof-beam (Pas'.); dan.d.ala = plough handle (Pas'.) |
cast metal girder
bludgeonl, club |
Oppose | tan.d.u (IL 4347) | ||||
Pole to carry burdens | tan.t.a_yam (Ta.)(IL 4338) | ||||
Stalk | d.a~_t. (B.H.); foot stock of lotus (Mth.); = stick (Bhoj.); t.a_n.d.a_ = dry stalk of ba_jra_ (L.); t.a~_d.a_ (P.) tan.t.iyam = cross-pole (Ta.)(IL 4340). | ||||
Bull | d.ha~_d.ho = ox (G.); d.a~_d. = bullock (L.) da~_d (IL 4363) da~_twa_l = ploughman (WPah.); da_ta = mowed (Pa_n.); dua_ = harvesting of rice (Or.); do = cut |
(A.) da_, da_o = sickle, chopper (B.); = sickle (S.) |
large knife | ||
S'iva's dance | ta_n.d.ava (Skt.); da_n.t.u = to jump, cross (Ka.); d.a_t. = to hop, jump, hop in dance, jump over (Kond.a) | (Or.) | crowbar | ||
m493A,Btablet h346A,Bincised tablet |
Dancing | ko_nd.o_ = on all fours (Br.); ko_r- = to bend in dancing (Go.), = dancing (Te.); (Ta.) | (Kol.) | sickle | |
Scorpion | kon.d.i = scorpion sting (Tu.) | ||||
Corner | ko~_t.a (Pa.), gondi (Te.) | ||||
Fort, palace | ko_t.a (Kuwi.) | ||||
" | Little | kondra (Tu.), = small fragment (Nk.) gu_t.e = knuckle (Kt.) |
Numerative particle Small ball |
got.a = numerative particle (Mth.) got. = small ball (A.) |
Foot | gor. (H.) | ||||
Vulva | khod.u (IL 1890) | ||||
To lie in coils (2) | = coil (N.); gunduri = circle (Kui.) | ||||
Hole | kud.e (Tu.); got.aru (Ka.), (H.) | ||||
Bowels, entrails, intestines Placenta |,, kut.alai (Ta.);, = bowels, placenta, prolapsus ani (Ma.); kor.n. = small intestines (Ko.); kun.d.ali_ = a stomach of ruminants (Go.) | ||||
Short span | jut.t.i (IL 3428) | ||||
Buttock, hip | cu_ttu = anus, buttocks (Ta.); guda = anus (Pali) gu_de =prolapsus anus (Ka.); ku_ti = anus (Tu.); buttocks in general (To.)
kulo, kulla_ (P.) kun.d.e = buttocks, anus bottom of vessel (Ka.) |
sutti (Tu); sutte (Te.Go.Tu.); suthi (Kuwi); sutki_ = an instrument of stone-s;litters (M.) | hammer | ||
h180A,Btablet |
Birth | kundrka_ (Kur.); kunde = to be born, be created (Malt.) | |||
Dirty woman | kun.t.a (Ma.) | ||||
Cripple | (Ma.) | ||||
Bee | tumbe = a large black bee resembling the humble-bee (Ka.); tumpi = dragon-fly (Ta.) | ||||
Quail | tumba (Kui.Kuwi) | ||||
Fish | tumpi (IL 4671) | ||||
Bier | tumb (IL 4660) | ||||
Tail | dumba (K.), dumb, dumm (P.H.) | ||||
Ear of millet | dumb (L.) | ||||
Hind part | duma_la_ (M.); dumo = back, shoulder (Typsy) | ||||
Tub | to_mpu (Ta.); tombe = large high baboo basket kept for storing grain (Ka.) | ||||
Babool tree, acacia arabica | tumba (Ga.); tumbe, tumbi = phlomis indica = leucas indica (Ka.Tu.); tumpa (Ma.) | ||||
Nave of a wheel | tumba (IL4658) | ||||
Elephant's trunk | tumbi (Tu.) | sumba_ (P.); ramrod (N.); cold chisel (Bi.); su~bha_, su~ba_ = heavy iron instrument for splitting stone, rammer of a cannon (H.M.); sumbhati = strikes (Skt.Pkt.); subhna_ti (TS.) | metal hammer | ||
Frayed ends | tumpu = border, fringe; frayed ends as of a gut (Ta.); tumpu, tunpu = end of a rope or string (Ma.) | ||||
m009a Signs 180-181+variants, ligature |
Edging, trimming
Warp-pegs |
go_t.u = an ornamental appendage to the border of a cloth, fringe,
hem, edging (Te.); embroidery (Tu.); kont.l.= pocket in outside edge of cloak (Ko.);
got. = hem of garment (M.); got.a_ = edging of gold lace (H.) kor.i = pegs in the ground in two rooms on which the thread is passed back and forth in preparing the warp (S.) |
c023 m592A,Bcopper tablet |
Deer | (Go.) [, go_dalu = horned cattle (Te.); = nilgai (Pa.)] | god.el
(Go.) kod.ari (Tu.) kod.i = hoe (Kui), kor.i = spade (Or.) kut. (Ku.) kudal. (Nk.) [ = to cut (Bhoj.); kot.yu_n.o = to dig up with a hoe (Ku.); = hoe (Pe.)] = digging (Mth.) god.d.e_lu, god.d.e_li = axe (Te.); kuda_l.i_ (Or.), guddoli = pick-axe (Tu.) [kudl.a_ = large hoe (M.); guddali = hoe (Ka.); = axe (Ka.)] khoren~, koran.t.e = hoe (Kon:kan.i)ko_thali = to hoe (Kuwi); kotti = pick-axe, stone-digger, carver (Ma.); kot.t.u = weeding hoe, spade (Ta.)] kakot. = hoe with sharp, broad blade (Ko.); = spade (Tu.) kun.t.e = harrow (Ka.); kho~r.a_= to dig (B.) gun.t.aka = a harrow (Te.) |
double-axe (Go.) axe hoe, spade hoe one-sided pick-axe |
Sign51+ variants Nd2 |
Bandicoot | ko_d.el (Pa.) [kod.el = rat (Go.)] |
Ears of grain swollen (rady to shoot feorth) | kut.alai (Ta.) | ||||
End of bow | ko_t.i (MBh.) | ||||
Horn(s) | ko_d.u = horn (Tu.); ko_t (pl. ko_rgul) (Ga.) | ko_t.i (MBh.) | point of sword | ||
Banner | kot.i (Ta.) | ||||
Signs 36, 216-229,251,362-364 + variants, ligatures | Tongs (1) | (Ma.), kot.iru (Ta.) | |||
k053 k067tablet |
Top-leaf (2) | kod.ire (Tu.), kod.i ele = betel leaf (Kod.) kor..untu = tender leaf (Ta.) kholo = leaf (Kon:kan.i) |
(Ma.Ta.) [kor.ta = month of Bhadra (Aug.-Sept.) when new paddy is worshipped (Go.) |
ploughshare | |
h178A,Btablet | Breast | kor.i_ = breast of a quadruped (L.) ko_la (Skt.), kro_d.a = breast, bosom (AV.) |
Jaws | kot.ir_ u (Ta.) |
(Tu.), kor.i (Or.) kot.t.u (Tu.) khod.ra_ = hole (Kur.);, khot.ra_ hollow in tree (H.) |
spade | ||
To sit down | ku_r (Ka.) = to sit down (Ka.); kol.l.ani, kulli (Kor.) ku_t.a = hip (Tu.) kurki = thigh (Go.) |
Wild buffalo Buffalo |
goraka (Te.) [ (Pe.); (Kuwi)] ko_ru (Kui) |
Quail (2) | gun.d.ral (Go.), = cooing of pigeons (Ka.); gud.r = to coo (Kuwi) | ||||
Fish (2) | xotor (Kur.) | kutar_ru(Ta.)[kotarvu~
= to dig, care (G.)] gud.ipen = to cut crops or grass (Kol.); = to chop off, cut down (Br.) |
To dig up | ||
Nilgai, blue bull | = nilgai (Pa.); (ma_v_= a kind of deer; khod.d.a ma_v = blue bull (Go.); god. = bison (Go.); gura = bison (Kond.a) | ||||
Pot with narrow-mouth | kut.uvai (Ta.); kut.uva, kut.uka = small vessel (Ma.) ko_rmo_ = pitcher (Nin:g.); ko_l.amba = pot (Pali); kol.a~be~ = pot with large opening (M.) |
Saddle girth proper | tan.g (P.) | ||||
Drum | |||||
Tray, cup | ko_Ra (Te.) | ||||
Horn | kogoo (Go.) |
(Pe.) [ = to cut (Bhoj.); kot.yu_n.o = to dig up with a hoe (Ku.)] = digging (Mth.) |
hoe | ||
Fish (8) | kur-avai = murrel (Ta.), koR-R = black murrel (Te.), kur_icci = a fish many sharp bones (Ma.) | ||||
Antelope | kurahu (Kuwi), kuran:ga (Ka.) kor-r-a = ram (Ma.) [kura = bull calf (Go.)] kulanga, kulunga = going in a herd, antelope (VS.); kulmi = a herd (TS. ii.4.5.2) |
(Ka.), khura_rya_ (M.) [kora-mut.t.u = tool, instrument (Ka.)] |
An instrument of goldsmiths; a sort of anvil | ||
Cock | koru = cock (Kol.) ser-i kor-u (Kond.a), xe_r = fowl (Kur.) |
(N.) khura = razor (Pali); ks.ura (RV.), sharp barb of arrow (R.); khura_ iron nail to fix ploughshare (H.) kur_ai = to reap, cut (Ta.) |
head of a spear | ||
h178A,BtabletSign 341, 35+variants, ligature | Hoof Thigh |
khura (Ka_tyS'r.), kuracu , kuraccai = horse's hoof (Ta.),
kul.ampu = hoof (Ta.) kur_aku (Ma.) |
Carry on the shoulder | gok (IL 1318) | ||||
Branch | kohk (Go.), gopka_ = branches (Kui), kob = branch (Ko.) | ||||
m309a | To look up | go_k (Kuwi) xo_xna_ =to turn one's back upon (Kur.) |
gohka (Go.) goraka (Te.) go_ra gor-ugu = to shave (Te.); gor-r-u = an implement of husbandry used both as a harrow and a drill-plough (Te.)] koru = bar of metal (Ta.) |
spear metal arrow drill plough (Te.) |
Large branch cut off from thornbush | kor_i (Ka.) | kor_e, kor_i | To bore a hole by a drill (Ka.) | ||
Sheep, ram (2) | gor-r-e (Te.), kor-r-an = ram (Ma.), kur_i, kor_ i, kur_iho_ta = ram (Ka.) | ||||
Head-man (1) | kor-r-avan (Ma.) | ||||
Drummer | bot.t.ele (Tu.) | bot.t.e (Te.) | arrowhead shaped like a long bud (Te.) | ||
Head-man (2) | (Tu.) po_r-r-i = priest (Ma.), bot.t. (Kon:kan.i) |
Hunting | bo_n.t.e, bo_t.e (Tu.) | ||||
Signs 195-203, 61 + variants, ligatures |
Gate | ko_t.t.i, ko_s.t.i = tower/temple entrance (Ta.); kot.t.iyampalam = gate with small roofing at top (Ta.) ku_d.aliva_yi_ = gable end of a house (Te.) | |||
E | Cowshed | kor.i (G.) kor.ka, korka (Go.); (Ta.), kot.t.ya, mide (Tu.) [kot.t.iyam= a herd of pack-bullocks (Ta.); kod. = a cowpen (G.); gos.t.ha (Skt.), (Ta.)]
(Or.) kot.i_ (Jat.ki_)
kor.a_ = to dig, bore through, pierce (B.); ko_t.ayate_ = breaks (Dha_tup.); kor.na_, korna_ = to dig up, scrape out, carve (H.) a_ca_ri kot.t.ya = forge, kamma_rasa_le (Tu.) kod. = place where artisans work (G.) |
spade iron rod for stirring molten metal |
Sailing boat | ko_t.ya, ko_t.iya = sailing vessel (Tu.), ko_t.t.iya = a sea-boat (Ceylon)(Ma.) |
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