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Boat kan.t.ha_la (IL 1713) ka~_d.u (Te.) To pierce
Lute kan.d.o_la (IL 1821a)
Foot of any vase-shaped vessel, rim kan.d.u; (Ta.) = pot (IL 1692)

ka_nt. = rim

ka_nt (IL 1680)

khanta_ = spade (IL 1687a)

UUUU Vessels


kandlu (Te.)(IL 1685)
Herd of cattle kadale (Ka.) kad.tale (Tu.) long-edged sword
Pack-saddle, double-bag of a beast kan.t.le (Ka.)

[kotthali = sack (Pali)]

kan.t.hal.i_ = a bag having opening in the middle (M.)

kan.d.ali (IL 1688) billhook
ka_ci (B.), ka_si (A.), kaciya_ (N.) = toothed sickle (Bi.); reaping-hook (H.)

kacci (Kol.Go.)

kacia_ (Or.)

kacc = iron blade (of spade)(Go.); kas = iron (Go.)

ka_s'i_ = glazing put on earthenware (S.); ka_yo, ka_vo, kacu = glass (S.)

ka_si_d.u, ka_seva_d.u = a stone cutter, mason; ka_su = gold coin; ka_camu = glass; ga_ju = glass, glass bracelet or bangle; kance_ra, kancari = bell-metal work (Te.)




big scythe

khan.d.a kanka (Santali idiom )= weapons and tools (lit. dagger and gold) Bracelet (1) khan.jari_ (P.)

kankan.a (Skt.)

khan.d.a_, khan.jar (P.)

ganda_sa (P.)


chopper, axe

Alligator gha~r.iya_l (A.B.); ghar.ya_lu = long-nosed porpoise (S.); gha~t. = protuberance on the snout of an alligator (A.); ghar.iya_l = crocodile (N.); ghar.ia_l.a (Or.); ghar.ya_l, gharia_r (H.); ghan.t.ika = alligator (Bhpr.)
Bracelet (2) (warrior's) (Ta.)
Necklace of beads

Ring round the neck

kan.t.hla_ (H.) kan.d.hli_ (P.)

kan.d.hi_ (B.) [gha~_t.o = throat (G.); ghe~t. = throat, neck (H.)

Rhinoceros gan.d.a (Skt.); gan.d.a_ (Or.); gen.d.o (S.)
Fish (7) (Ta.) = carp (Ma.)
Ankle (Ta.)
Drum (Ta.)
Penis gen.d.e (Ka.), ge_t. (Go.)
Copulation gen.d.e (Ka.)
Knot in string (Ta.) gan.t.u (Te.)

ga~d.eri_ = knot of sugarcane (H.)

Beads kandi = necklace, beads; kandl = beads (Ga.)
sign84.jpg (994 bytes)Varia-84.jpg (3855 bytes)sign85.jpg (995 bytes)sign49.jpg (995 bytes)Varia-49.jpg (4031 bytes)Signs 84, 85, 49 + variants, ligature Hind thigh of animal kan.t.a (Ko.); = muscle (Ga.)
B023si-t.jpg (3469 bytes)b023Seal impression Strong male gan.d.a (Ka.), garn.d.a_l.u = a stalwart man, giant (Tu.)
Tree-trunk gan.d.ra (Kuwi)

kan.d.a = bough (Pali)

gan.d.rincu to cut, divide (Te.)
m1186.jpg (8421 bytes)m1186a.jpg (8742 bytes)m1186seal and impression
m1181.jpg (3846 bytes)m1181seal (stool of hoofed legs)
Stool, stand kand.o (Malt.)
" Jag, notch or indentation (as upon the edge of a tool or weapon)
















Included portion betwixt two articulation joints


Articulation, joint or knot

gan.d.ra = piece (Kuwi); gan.d.rikalu = pieces, fragments (Te.); gan.d.i = opening, chinkl, hole (Ka.)

kha_n.d.a_ (M.)

khan.d.a = having gaps or chasms (Sus'r.); fragment (R.); = half of anything (Kho.); kho_n.d.a = half (Kal.); khanna_ half, piece (P.); dwi_-khan = two halves (Ku.) kha~_d.ol.e~ = piece (M.); khan.d.a = piece (Pali)

gan.d.i = gap, breach (Te.)

kadi-kan.d.alu = fragments, bits (Te.)

ka_n.d.a (M.)



ka_n.d.e (M.), gan.d.h = knuckle (P.) gan.alu = knuckle of the ringers (Ka.); ganike = joint (Te.)

tan.t.u = joint of articulation of body (Ka.)

gam.d.a = stem; gan.d.i_ (Pkt.); gon = haft of axe, spade or knife (Kho.) shaft used as a bar; haft of axe, spade or knife
Fish (8) gan.d.e (Te.)
Ivoryc~3.jpg (1363 bytes)
K057.jpg (2071 bytes)k057
H357a.jpg (999 bytes)H357b.jpg (872 bytes)H357c.jpg (866 bytes)sign205.jpg (1021 bytes)h357A,B,Ctabletprism and Sign 205
Ivory jan.d. khan.d. (

khan.d.i_ = ivory in rough (Jat.ki_); gat.i_ = piece of elephant's tusk (S.)

[kan.d.d.a_ fishbone (P.)]

[kad.e~ ornamental circle on metal (M.)]

kar-y = to make ornamental dots on metal articles (To.); karepuni = to make a notch or incision (Tu.)

khan.d.a_ (P.); kha~_d.u~ (G.); kha~_d.a_ (M.); kha_n.d.a_ = heavy knife (A.)


kan.d.a, (Pali) ka~d.era_ = bow-maker (H.)

ka~_d. = arrow (G.) (Ta.)


gan.d.en = to prick (Kol.); gad. = to pierce, of a thorn (Go.); ka~_d.u = to enter, penetrate, pierce, to pierce through (as arrows)(Te.)

two-edged sword, broad straight sword, two-edged dagger sometimes worn on the head

arrow, arrowhead [khan.d.e_ra_v an incarnation of s'va (M.)]




iron style for writing on palm leaves (Ta.)

Twenty (of sheep, goats or things) or 120 bigha_s (land) khan.d.i_ (M.)

[ko_d.i, ko_d.iga = twenty used chiefly in counting precious stones (Te.); ko_d.i (M.) kod.i_ = cowrie (used as money )(S.); ko_d.yaru = seller of cowries (G.)]

Cock ko_d.i (Te.)
Snout of alligator gha~_t. = protuberance of snout of alligator (A.)
Divisions of a field kha_n.d. (M.); = land (IL 1714)
l  l
l  l
Group of four gan.d.a_ (H.B.Or.); = four cowries (P.M.) gan.d.aka = method of counting by fours (Skt.); gan.d.ho = four in counting (S.)
Half kap (IL 2084) kapu (IL 2084a) knife
Monkey kapi (Skt.) kapi (IL 2213) hunting axe
Ivoryc~3.jpg (1363 bytes) Drill, pierce kad.d.hna_
Offering ka_n.ikka (Ma.); (Ko.)
Roller of mills (Ma.)
Bracelet tot.i (Ta.), tod.aka = amulet (Skt.)
Trough tot.t.i (Ta.), dot.t.i = cattle-pound (Ma.)
Hand-to-hand conflict to_t.i (Ka.); tod.aka = entangling (Ka.) to_t.t.i (Ta.)

tr.n.n.a = pierced, cracked (TS.S'Br.); trith = split, rent (K.)

Brim of a vessel ka_n.a_; kano = rim; kanna_ = edge, rim, handle (IL 2280).
Maiden kanya_ (RV.)(IL 2737) kana~hi~ = three-cornered file for sharpening saws (S.); ka_nas = file, saw (G.M); ka_nasn.e~ = to file (M.) saw, file







Pupil of eye

kan. (Ta.); pl. kand.l (Kol.Nk.)

ka_n.a = one-eyed (RV.) = squint-eyed (Kon.)

kan.asu = to see (Ka.)(IL 2056)

kan.i_ (M.)

kan. ob (To.) kan. koty (To.)

khano (S.)

[koty = to smooth with adze (Ko.)

gon. (Kal.)


xaro, xanro, xarno, xanlo, xenli_ (Gypsy) = wooden handle (of a hoe, a pickaxe, or other tool)(Ta.); arrow (Ta.); kan.a = spear (Ma.); = sickle (Ko.) (i.e. handle + katy knife); kan.i_ arrow (Go.); kan.aya = a kind os spear or lance (Skt.Pali) = spade (Kond.a)

ghan.a = hammer (Pkt.)

gha_n.a = mill (Pkt.)


sword dagger-shaped knife

haft of axe, spade or knife



arrow, spear









Roller of mills kan.a = roller of mills (Ma.)
Drop kan. (L.) 
Knot kan.n.i (Ta.); kan.i (Ma.); kan.e (Ka.)
Grain of corn kan.a (AV.)
Stron male gan.d.asa (Ka.)(IL 1656)
Tender leaf, shoot of betel vines kan.n.i (Ta. Ma.) kan.icci (Ta. pur-ana_.56,2); kan.icci = battle-axe, goad (Ma.) = battle-axe (IL 1768, 1655a)

kan.aya spear (Pkt.) (Ta.); kan.ayam = spear (Ma.)

gan.e (Tu.)

kan. = arrow (Ash.); kan.d.a = arrow (MBh.Pali)








Sprout kan.isa = ear of corn (Pkt.); kan.ike = stalk of great millet (Ka.)

kan.n.i = sprout (Ta.)

kan.uku, kan.d.ike = stalk or stem (Ka.)

Loop of a tie rope ka_ni_ (M.); border of a garment tucked up (G.); kanni = yarn used for the border of a cloth in weaving (WPah.);kani_ = border (S.); kanni_ (L.P.H.)

ka_n.i_ = ornamental swelling out in a vessel (B.); karn.ika_ = round protuberance (Sus'r.)

kani_ = corner (Pas'.); ka_ni_+ = corner of a cloth (Or.)

Handle of vessel karn.aka (TS)

ka_r = ear (Wg.)

karn.ika (Skt.) karn.e (Ka.)

khanta_ (B.) = digging instrument (Boj.)


khan.ate~ (M.)



khanitra = digging tool (RV.)

hen = mattock, hoe (Kho.)

kanna_n = brazier (Ma.)

mason's trowel

long-handled spade

instrument for digging holes, stick with an metal-head

Clay pot with narrow neck karaka pot (Pali), karwa_ (Bi.), karakam, karalai (Ta.) karasli_ = small waterpot (G.) (IL 1260c)

karava (Kod.), karvi (Go.)

kharva = cup baked in fire (TS.) [one of Kubera's nine treasures, nava-nidhi]

[kad.ava = a large, narrow-mouthed earthen or metal pot generally used for drawing water (Te.); karava = clay pot with narrow neck (Kod.)]

karakaya (Pkt.), kara_t (B.); krakaca (MBh.); kakaca (Pali)

[karukku = teeth of a saw (Ma.); kar_uku = sharpness (Te.); karat.u = rough (Ta.); khara = hard, sharp (MBh.); solid (Pa_n.)

karuvi, karivi (Ta.Ma.)

[karavai = a tool of a blacksmith (Ta. lex.); karava_yi, kharavayi_ = an instrument of braziers; an anvil or curved metallic bar on which vessels are hung to be hammered (M.Ka.te.)


[karva_l. = sword (G.); karukku = embossed work (Ta.)]


weapon, tool, plough

[cf. karavi, karu, garu = a mould (Tu.); karu = embossed work, bas-relief (Ka.); karukku (Ta.); ka_ruvu = mechanic, artisan, Vis'vakarma, the celestial artisan (Te.); -ga_re = affix of noun denoting one who does it, e.g. samaga_re = cobbler (Tu.); garuva (Ka.); gar_uva = an important man (Te.)]

Alligator karavu, kara_, kara_m (Ta.) [gra_ha (Skt.), garavu = to seize (Ka.)]
Foetus karuvu, karugu (Te.)
por-ai = womb (Ta.)
Dawn bho_ra (G.)
Upside down bo_raga (Te.) bo_riga (Te.) hoe [bor-r-a - hole (Te.)]
Bull or ox bo_ri (Te.)
To butt or assault as a bull bo_ru (Tu.)
Top of a hill bo_re (Tu.), por_ai, por-r-ai (Ta.)
Opponent po_ri (Ta.)
Spot on dice phala (IL 7826), palu cowry (IL 7870)
Spider ba_la (Pa.); ba_lo (Go.)
Small bird pa_la (Te.)
Bridge pa_lam (Ta.Ma.); (Ta.); pa_la (Ka.)
Bowl pa_l.e~ = wooden bowl (M.); pal.l.ayam = dish (Ta.); basin, dish (Ma.); pal.l.emu, pa.yamu, pal.l.eramu = plate (Te.); pallayi = earthen dish (Tu.)
Tank = tank; pa_r..i = temple; town (Ta.); pa_li = pond (IL 7944)
Line pa_l.i, ba_ru (IL)
Pict-49.jpg (3253 bytes)Field symbol 49 Spotted antelope pa_r.ho   hogdeer or cervus porcinus (S.); pa_Hr.a_ (L.); pa_r.ha_ = spotted antelope, hogder (P.H.) pr.s.ata = spotted deer (VS.); = spotted (AV.) spotted antelope (R.) pol. (To.), va_l. (Ta.Ma.); ba_l.(u) (Ka.Tu.); va_lu (Te.); karava_la (Skt.) = metal cast in moulds (Ta.); ingot (Ma.); a hammer for the chisel (Ma.); pa_l.a = ingot of gold or silver (Ka.); pa_l.a_, pa_l.amu = igot (Te.)

Slice pha_ra (S.) palkna_ = split(Kur.); pa_l.i = shred (Ma.Tu.); pa_l = part (Ta.Ma.); pa_lu (Te.Tu.)

pha_laka = splitting (Pali); phal = strip of wood (K.); pha_l = wedge (P.); pha_li = strip (A.)

pharu (S.), phal (P.N.B.K.H.P.)

pha_lo = piece of wood or metal, iron bar (Ku.); pha_li = thin strip of metal (N.)

phala = point of arrow (Kaus'.); blade of knife (MBh.); point of arrow or sword (Pali); point of arrow (Pkt.); phal = blade of mattock, tip of arrow (K.); phal = blade (P.N.B.); phal.a_  blade (Or.); phal.i_ = arrowhead (Or.); phal = blade (H.); phal. (G.M.); phal.e~ =spearhead (M.); pharha_ = blade, nib (P.)

bhalla = a kind of arrow (MBh.); bhalli_ = arrowhead of a particular sharpe (Skt.); bhalla = spear (Pkt.); ba_la (K.); bha_lo (S.Ku.N.); bha_la_ = spear, crescent-headed arrow (Or.); spear for driving an elephant (Bi.); spear (Mth.M.); large spear (H.); bha_lu~ = spear (G.)

blade, arrowhead
Fly par-a (Ta.)
Dawn pare (Ka.)
Two, pair par (To.)
Hornet parr.i (Kuwi)
Fish parava (Ma.)
To separate pari (Ta.)
To run, jump pa_ru (Te.); pari (Ta.); pa~_re_del = to run (Psht.) pa_r-isu = to cause to jump pharha_ (P.)

pharu (S.), phal (P.N.B.H.); phal.e~ = spearhead (M.)

blade, nib (P.)

blade, arrowhead

Betel ba_ru (B.); ba_rui = betel-grower (B.) bari_ = blacksmith, artisan (Ash.); bari_, ba_ri_ (Wg.); bari_ (Kt.); ba_ri_ (Pr.) bha_ran. = to spread or bring out from a kiln (LO.); bha_rvu~ = to keep live coals buried in ashes (G.); bha_rn.e~, bha_l.n.e~ = to make strong by charms (weapons, rie, water), enchant, fascinate (M.), = anvil, smithy, forge (Ta.); anvil, workshop (Ka.); = workshop; pat.t.ika, pat.t.ed.a = anvil (Te.)

bharan.i_ = 7th asterism (figured by pudendum muliebre) (AV.); 2nd asterism (Pali.Pkt.)

bhar. = soldier (B.); warrior (G.); hero, brave man (Ku.); bhat.a = hired soldier (MBh.) = army, weapons, battle (Ta.); ;pat.a = battle, army (Ma); pad.eyila = soldier (Ka.); pad.eval.a = a general (Ka.); pad.ava = fight, battle; pad.avalamu = van of an army; pad.ava_lu = commander of an army (Te.)

bhuaga = worshipper in a temple (Pkt.); bhuvo (G.)

Stake, coping a_ral (IL 509). ad.akil = pile, piling up (Ka.) ar.el (P.), ad.e, ad.a, ad.i = the piece of wood on which the five artisans put the article which they happen to operate upon (Ka.); at.aik-kal = anvil (Ta.); d.a_-kali = anvil (Te.); ad.egal (Ka.) tool of gold-beaters
Twist (Malt.); ad.rna_ = to twist back one's limbs (Kur.)
All around pari, paritas (AV.)
Opening in furnace ba_ra_ (IL), pa_ri = vessel, mouth of vessel (IL)
sign335.jpg (1056 bytes)sign336.jpg (1064 bytes)Varia336.jpg (6266 bytes)sign337.jpg (1080 bytes)Varia337.jpg (2199 bytes)sign354.jpg (885 bytes)
Signs 335-337, 354 + variants
Ladle pal.i_ (M.); pal.a_ = large ladle (M.); pali_ ladle (H.); pala_ = a lade holding 1/4 seer of oil (P.)
Decorate with dots paru_ha = spotted cloth (P.); parus.a = spotted (RV.); par_i = decoration (Ka.); par_y (par_c-) to beautify bamboo pot with black dots)(To.) paras'u (RV.)

parasu (Pali.Pkt.)

pharsa_ = hatchet (H.); parsiya_ = reaping hook (H.); furo_ = axe (Md.)p pharasu (Pali.Pkt.); phars (Ku.); pharsa_ = long-handled axe (N.); axe (B.H.); phars'i_ (G.); pharas = battle-axe; phars'i_ = battle-axe, large chisel (M.)

pars'u = axe (R.); = axe (Pkt.); pas'o (Par.); po_s (Ash.); pec = large axe (Kt.); pec, poc (Bashg.); pa_u~si = vegetable chopper (Or.); pars'vadha = axe (Skt.); paras'vadha (MBh.); a_so = head of iniron instrument (such as axe or spade)_(N.); pa_sa_ = lump of metal (H.)

pasa_ = iron ring through which plough iron is thrust (Or.); pa_sa_ = lump, cube, lump of metal (H.); pa_s = silver ingot, iron share of harrow (M.)

Double-headed drum pare (K od.); par-ai (Ta.); par_a = drum, disk, circle (Ma.); parra, par(r)ay (Go.)
Ship, catamaran pa_r-u (Ta.Ma.Ka.); pak-r-i = coracle, boat, ship (Ta.)
Copulation pa_ru = to copulate, spring (IL 7339) parin~cu = hilt of a sword (Ta.); parin~n~u (Ma.); paru_ju (Te.)
Axle pa_rai, pa_riye (Kon:kan.i)
Mullet fish pa_re, ba_re, pariyol.u = a fish (Tu.); paraya = mullet fish (Tu.)

pa_rai = horse mackerel (Ta.)

phari_ (P.), phar (A.B.); phara, phari (Or.)

param = shield (IL 3958)

Upper arm, shoulder pa.r (Ko.); pa_re = hip, shoulder (Tu.); po.r. = upper limb (shoulder to fingers)(To.)

phar = shoulder-blade of cattle (L.); phar, pharh (P.); phar, phara_ (M.)

phali   (A.)

pharra_ = plank (Aw.); phalha_ = square wooden frame (P.); phara_ = wooden scraper (L.); phalaka = shield (Pali); phala, phalaa (Pkt.); spara = shield (Iranian)

copper plate, slate
Sheep, ram paha_ru (P.); pa_hr.a_ = stag (P.) pa_ri_ (G.), paha_r, paha_ray (M.)

palugu = blade of pickaxe (Te.)

palu-gor-r-u = a kind of harrow (gor-r-u = harrow, drill-plough) (Te.) [pal= tooth (Ta.)]

pha_la = ploughshare (RV.Pali.Pkt.); mattock (R.); phala = ploughshare (Skt.); phal (Ko.Sv.); pha_l = ploughshare, metal blade of mattock (K.); pha_ru = ploughshare, steel edge of a tool (S.); pha_r (Bi.Mth.Bhoj.H.); pha_ra, pha_l.a (Or.)

praharan.a = weapon, attack (MBh.); praharan.i_yha = a weapon (MBh.); paharan.a = striking (Pali); weapon (Pkt.); pa_ha_run.i = iron-studded stick used in threshing rice (Or.); praharati = thrusts forward, offers (RV.); strikes (AV.); throws out (S'a_n:khS'r.) praha_ra = blow (Mn.); paha_ra = blow, wound (Pali.Pkt.)

paha_ru (P.)

pa_re, ha_re, a_re (Ka.), paha_ra (M.)

[pagari, pagal.i = arrow (Tu.)]

pari = goad (IL 7428)

pa_ren:gi = iron crowbar used for digging, a medium-sized iron bar with pointed end (Tu.)

pahar = crowbar (Nk.)

pa_r-a, pa_ra (Te.)

pa_r-ammu = an arrow with a broad-edged blade (Te.)

pu(h)a_ri = small iron hisel (Or.)

para_, para_i = crowbar, pestle (G.); pa_ri_ = crowbar (G.)

metal bar, crowbar








scraper [pahaur.a_ = wooden scraper (P.)]









harrow ba~_sai (IL 6187) pa_so (IL 6280) head of metal (iron) instrument
portable fireplace hasani (IL 6269)
Beads ha_s = beads, necklace (Pe.); ha_c (Mand.) pa_cam =  eye of a needle, sewing, thread (Ta.); pa.c = eye of a needle; vulva (Ko.) [ve_dhya = to be pierced (Skt.)]
Die, dice pa_s'a (MBh.) pa_saka (Pali); pa_saga (Pkt.); pa~_so (Ku.); pa_sa_ (N.B.); pasa_, pa_sa_ game of dice (Or.); pa_sa_ = die (H.P.); pha_sa_ (M.); pa_so (G.)
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