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Bracelet cinup, sinup (Ga.) hin.ipa, sinel, heni (Kui)

sinpa = to shave (Kond.a)

Antelope sele (IL)
Twine of antlers cil (Ko.)
Hole cilli (IL 3936)
Stick cile, s'ile = a fishing rod (Tu.); sela = twig (Te.); cel. = long, round stick of fairly large size (Ko.); sel.e = twig, small branch, stik, rod, also one for training or punishing children (Ka.); cel.l.u, sel.l.u = a long flexible twig or rod (Ka.)
sign161.jpg (935 bytes)Sign 161 Fork cil.l.e = bifurcation, a fork (as that formed by two branches)(Ka.); cil.l.u (Te.)
Branch of a tree cilla (Ma.), cella, jella (Pa.)
Spider cilanni (Ma.), s'alaka (Skt.)
rhd1A.jpg (4570 bytes)rhd1B.jpg (4409 bytes)rhd1A,Bbone seal
Two scorpions flanking a frog and T; two antelopes
Urseal~7.jpg (3473 bytes)Seal; UPenn; a scorpion and an elipse [an eye (?)]
Scorpion ce_l.u, te_l.u,te_lu (Tu.); ce_lgon.d.i = sting of a corpion (Tu.); te_lu scorpion (Te.); te_lh (Br.); tele (Malt.); te_l. (Ta.Ma.); ce_r..(u), te_r.. (Ka.)
K059.jpg (2138 bytes)
k059sign211.jpg (950 bytes)Sign 211
sign304.jpg (1025 bytes)
sign305.jpg (1053 bytes)sign306.jpg (1149 bytes)sign307.jpg (1079 bytes)Varia307.jpg (2585 bytes)sign308.jpg (1239 bytes)sign28.jpg (1088 bytes)Varia-28.jpg (5041 bytes)sign29.jpg (1089 bytes)Varia-29.jpg (4175 bytes)
Sign 304-308, 28, 29+variants, ligatures







sign201.jpg (1022 bytes)Sign 201

Arrow, bow










sela = arrow (Te.)

cilai = bow (Ta.); cila (Ma.)

cilukku = tooth of a saw (Ta.), javelin (Ma.)

s'ili_ = dart, arrow (Skt.); swe_la = a kind of weapon (Skt.); s.i_l = spear (Wg.); s'il.i_k = small pin or peg or spike of bamboo (M.); sella, silla = spear, arrow (Pkt.); s'el = arrowhead (K.); sel = long spear; sela_ = spear (P.); xel = dart, stake (A.); sel = dart, javelinl spit (B.); sili_muha = arrow (Pkt.)

s'il = door (wedge)(Kho.); sil = threshold, doorframe (H.); s'ili = lower timber of a door (Skt.)


sel (P.)

s'el (IL 2658)

cilla_n.a (IL 1934)

s'u_la = spike, spit (RV.); su_la = stake (Pali); spit, trident (Pkt.)

long spear



Cascade, spring sele = spring (Ka.); sela = cascade, waterfall (Te.); jela = spring of water (Te.)
Fish (dragonet) jella = fish resembling the dragonet (Te.); cellal = freshwater fish, etrophus maculatus (Ta.)
Fle, tick cel.l.u = flea, tick (Ta.); tel., tel.l.u, tel.ku = flea (Ta.)
Ram tagaru (Tu.) takat.u (Ma.) metal plate
Duck ta_ra_ (Ta.)
Seat thara_, tha_la (IL. 4915)
Rope ta_r (Ta.)
Road ta_ri (Ta.)
Waterc~2.jpg (2985 bytes)
Ur seal impression
Note: Two stars: phonetic determinants; enclosure signs of the field:

( )


Ferryman ta_rya_ (M.); ta_rika (Skt.); ta_rin = enabling to cross (MBh.)

Seal impression, Ur (Upenn; U.16747); Porada 1971: pl.9, fig.5; Parpola, 1994, p. 183; water carrier with a skin (or pot?) hung on each end of the yoke across his shoulders and another one below the crook of his left arm; the vessel on the right end of his yoke is over a receptacle for the water; a star on either side of the head (denoting supernatural?). The whole object is enclosed by 'parenthesis' marks. The parenthesis is perhaps a way of splitting of the ellipse (Hunter, G.R., JRAS, 1932, 476). An unmistakable example of an 'hieroglyphic' seal.

sa_ro = load to be carried (IL 4388c)

taravu, ta_lu = neck (IL 4699, 4893)

Pupil of eye ta_ra_ (Pkt.); ta_ri_ (Ku.)
Star ta_raya_ (Pkt.); ta_ra_ = fixed star (Ya_jn~..); ta_rah nom. pl. (RV.); taj, tajur.i_k = star (Pas'.)
Hill ta_ra, tara_i (IL 4862)
PIllar, stake tar_i = wooden post, stake (Ta.); tar_i = pillar (IL 4737)
Churning tari (Te.); tar(u)cu, traccu = to churn (Te.); traccana = churnijng (Te.)


ta_rai (Ta.)

tarca_na_ (Go.), tare = to cut down (Malt.)

treh (trest-)= to scrape, plane, cut with adze (Pe.)

tar_i, tar-e (Ka.)

ta_r-u = ox-goad (IL 4742)

tar-ikai (Ta.)


s'aru = missile arrow (RV.aV.)

ta_ru = the arrow of weavers which holds the yarn (Ma.)

discuss weapon

to scrape


sharp knife or sword


axe, chisel

K049.jpg (7004 bytes)k049 To investigate, seek tarucu (Te.); ta_h'nai = to seek (Kuwi); ta_ru = to lurk, lie in wait (Te.); tar_uku = lurk (IL 4738); observe (IL 4748)
Woman ter_ava (Te.); terivai (Ta.)
sign137.jpg (1023 bytes)Varia137.jpg (3296 bytes)sign138.jpg (1022 bytes)sign139.jpg (1024 bytes)sign140.jpg (1030 bytes)sign141.jpg (992 bytes)Varia141.jpg (3435 bytes)sign142.jpg (1084 bytes)Varia142.jpg (2955 bytes)sign143.jpg (1112 bytes)Varia143.jpg (3275 bytes)sign144.jpg (1157 bytes)sign145.jpg (1049 bytes)sign146.jpg (1067 bytes)Varia146.jpg (3067 bytes)sign147.jpg (1070 bytes)sign149.jpg (1043 bytes)Varia149.jpg (4907 bytes)sign150.jpg (1050 bytes)Varia150.jpg (2901 bytes)sign151.jpg (993 bytes)sign152.jpg (1087 bytes)
Signs 137-147, 149-152 + variants, ligaturese
Street teru (Ta.Ma.Bel.); tervi. = neighbourhood (Ko.)teruvu (Te.)
rhd1A.jpg (4570 bytes)rhd1B.jpg (4409 bytes)rhd1A,Bbone seal
Two scorpions flanking a frog and T; two antelopes
Pict-71.jpg (940 bytes)Field symbol 71
Frog, toad te_rai (Ta.); te_ra = a lean frog (Ma.)
K053.jpg (4868 bytes)k053
sign230.jpg (1089 bytes)Varia230.jpg (5158 bytes)sign231.jpg (1036 bytes)sign232.jpg (984 bytes)sign151.jpg (993 bytes)
Signs 230-232, 151+variants, ligatures
Hill (2) te_ri = sandhill (Ta.); hillock (Ma.)
H176a.jpg (3420 bytes)H176b.jpg (3965 bytes)
Cot te.r (pl. te.d.l)(Kol.); te_R (Nk.); terp (Kond.a)
sign408.jpg (997 bytes)sign409.jpg (1010 bytes)Signs 408-409 Car, vehicle te_r = car, chariot, vehicle (Ta.); chariot, temple car (Ma.); te_r(u) (Ka.Tu.Te.)

de.r = god (Ko.)

sign242.jpg (952 bytes)sign243.jpg (971 bytes)
Signs 242, 243 (ligature)
Narrow walk, veranda ter-r-i = raised veranda (Ta.); tetti = narrow walk built on all round house (Kod.)
sign268.jpg (927 bytes)sign410.jpg (915 bytes)sign411.jpg (1007 bytes)sign412.jpg (1005 bytes)sign413.jpg (969 bytes)sign414.jpg (973 bytes)sign415.jpg (969 bytes)sign416.jpg (1013 bytes)sign417.jpg (983 bytes)Varia417.jpg (3106 bytes)
Signs 268, 410-417+variants
Intertwined, braid, plait ter-r-u (Ta.); tettu (Ka.)
sign37.jpg (984 bytes)sign62.jpg (1032 bytes)sign205.jpg (1021 bytes)Varia205.jpg (4245 bytes)sign295.jpg (1105 bytes)Varia295.jpg (3038 bytes)sign376.jpg (918 bytes)sign402.jpg (922 bytes)Varia402.jpg (5908 bytes)Ligature of Signs 37, 62, 205, 376, 402 Tusk of a boar te_r-r-a (Ma.); ter-r-u-ppal = snagged tooth, supernumerary tooth (Ta.)
Stand firm tari = to stand firm, stand still (Ta.); tarahara = staying (Ka.); tariyuni = to stay, stop, tarry (Tu.)
To attack, pounce upon, wrestle with

To butt, gore

pa_ga (Kui); pa_y = to leap (Ta.)

pa_y (Ka.); pa_k-,


pa_g - to beat, shoot (Nk.); paiyali = to hit, kill (Kuwi)

Fish gal.a (Or.), gar. (B.)
Field kal.a, kan.a = threshing floor, battlefield (Ka.); kr.a_nu (Kui)
Pot gar.ua_ (Or.) ); gar.va_ brass jug (P.)
Warrior (Ta.)
sign8.jpg (1019 bytes)Varia-08.jpg (7236 bytes)
Sign 8 + variants
m1224A.jpg (3494 bytes)
m1224B.jpg (3288 bytes)
m1224c.jpg (1949 bytes)m1224e.jpg (1986 bytes)m1224A,B,c,e cube seal
Ibex kal a.r. = Nilgiri ibex (Ko.); kala (Ma.), kalai = stag, buck (Ta.)

ka_l.a = bull (Ma.)

ga_l.a (Pkt.) = fishing hook to catch alligators (Ma.); ga_la_mu = many-hooked instrument (Te.); gal.a - hook (Pali)

ka_r.. = elephant goad (Ta.)

kana_r = bamboo goad for elephants (Mth.)

M459a.jpg (1925 bytes)M463b.jpg (2348 bytes)m459A,Btablet To arrange stones in construction, to pile up ros- (Kond.a), ro_st = to make, construct (Pe.); ro_sa_na_ = to lay flat things one on top of another (Go.); ro_nja (ro_nji-) to be well ordered, properly formed; ro_ska = levelling, fashioning (Kui)

ro_st = to put in (Kui)

Fish (6) rohisa (S.); ro_his.a (Skt.), ru_ci = large knife (Kol.); ro_si - dagger (Nk.); ru_si = large knife (Go.) large knife
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