Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization
>From: bhatnagr@ucunix.san.uc.edu (Raj Bhatnagar)
>In article <818964254.20578@uunet.uu.net>,
>>Shrisha Rao <reorg@srirangam.esd.sgi.com> wrote:
>> unmoderated group talk.religion.hindu
>>moderated group soc.religion.hindu.moderated (renames
>> moderated group soc.religion.hindu.info
>A few points about this RFD:
> - There is not much traffic on soc.religion.hindu to warrant the
> proposed creation of three groups.
This is v. true!
> - It is very clear that Mr./Dr. Shrisha Rao (and the proposing
> reorg. committee) are merely trying to settle a personal
> score by issuing this RFD. Ajay Shah, the current Moderator
> of Soc.religion.Hindu had opposed the creation of
> on the grounds that the group name must contain the word "Hindu" and
> the proponents of the reorganization are exactly the same committee
> that were proposing soc.religion.vaishnava. So there it is the
> reason for reorg.
I remember that vaisnava proponents had threatened to reorganize then.
This very well could be revenge.
> - Mr. Rao (and the reorg. proponents): Please stop being childish. You
> reminding me of Newt G.'s complaint about snub on Air Force-1 and the
> resulting Govt. shut-down.
> - To Ajay Shah: From RFD it is very clear that Rao+Vardarajan+pai et
> are showing their hurt egos. Please let them have some reasonable
> say in the s.r.hindu moderation. (Did you reject any of their posts?)
> Their feathers will then get unruffled, I hope!
> - Rao et al: Please stop acting like net-gods. You aren't.
>---Raj Bhatnagar
I'm in agreement. There doesn't seem to be any need to reorganize.
Anyway, reorganizing would mean that soc.religion.hindu.vaisnava
could also be created.
Moderator: Ajay Shah Submissions: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Administrivia: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Archives: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html