
Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization

In article <818964254.20578@uunet.uu.net>,
Shrisha Rao <reorg@srirangam.esd.sgi.com> wrote:
>                     REQUEST FOR DISCUSSION (RFD)
>                unmoderated group talk.religion.hindu
>moderated group soc.religion.hindu.moderated (renames soc.religion.hindu)
>               moderated group soc.religion.hindu.info
>This is a formal Request For Discussion on the reorganization of the
>soc.religion.hindu.* hierarchy.
>Newsgroups lines:
>soc.religion.hindu.info(moderated)  Information of interest to Hindus. (Moderated)
>soc.religion.hindu.moderated	Moderated forum for Hindu-related matters. (Moderated)
>talk.religion.hindu	About Hindus and Hinduism.
>RATIONALE: all groups

A few points about this RFD:

  -   There is not much traffic on soc.religion.hindu to warrant the
      proposed creation of three groups.

  -   It is very clear that Mr./Dr. Shrisha Rao (and the proposing 
      reorg. committee) are merely trying to settle a personal
      score by issuing this RFD. Ajay Shah, the current Moderator
      of Soc.religion.Hindu had opposed the creation of soc.religion.vaishnava
      on the grounds that the group name must contain the word "Hindu" and
      the proponents of the reorganization are exactly the same committee
      that were proposing soc.religion.vaishnava. So there it is the
      reason for reorg.

  -   Mr. Rao (and the reorg. proponents): Please stop being childish. You are 
      reminding me of Newt G.'s complaint about snub on Air Force-1 and the
      resulting Govt. shut-down.

  -   To Ajay Shah: From RFD it is very clear that Rao+Vardarajan+pai et al
      are showing their hurt egos. Please let them have some reasonable 
      say in the s.r.hindu moderation. (Did you reject any of their posts?)
      Their feathers will then get unruffled, I hope!

  -   Rao et al: Please stop acting like net-gods. You aren't.

---Raj Bhatnagar

Moderator: Ajay Shah Submissions: srh@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu
Administrivia: srh-request@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu 
Archives: http://rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu:8080/soc_hindu_home.html

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