
Re: RFD: soc.religion.hindu-reorganization

About - Skewed Stats of Posting Delays

In the article <4bk609$rkt@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
of 24 Dec 1995 18:26:17 UTC,
editor@rbhatnagar.csm.uc.edu (Ajay Shah) wrote:
> Namaskar,
> Please note that the discussion around delay in 
> posting etc. statistics etc., is quite deceptive and stems out
> of personal vendetta against the moderator of SRH (i.e., me).
> [...]


Yes indeed, I have been actively observing and recording the
reorganization proponents' deceptive tactics during the discussion
of this and their other Requests for Discussion proposals.

I feel they such deception must be exposed and invalidated.

Permit me to repeat that the reorganization attempt has been proven
to be nothing but a way of punishing Ajay Shah because he
recommended the name "soc.culture.hindu.vaishnava" instead of the
non-Hindu Vaishnava newsgroup that the same proponents wished to
create.  They publicly posted their threat also which Arun Malik
has exposed in the newsgroup "news.groups" during the last few

 Jai Maharaj <jai@mantra.com>                  *-=Om Shanti=-*

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