
Re: The Bhagavad-Geeta - Chapter 14

>   >%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% :%:%:%  American Gita Society  %:%:%
>   >The Bhagavad-Gita
>   >Copyright 1988 by Dr. Ramanand Prasad - All Rights Reserved
>   >Reproduction in for-sale media is prohibited.
>   >%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%
>   If others in this newsgroup are also interested, I would appreciate a
>   re-posting of those earlier chapters.

            I'm  very interested.

>   However if no one else is
>   interested, I would appreciate having them e-mailed to me.

             And to me, please.

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