
Re: ISKCON -- Please help with these terms

In article <4grrbg$3ea@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
   jai@mantra.com (Dr. Jai Maharaj) wrote:
>dkoch@sas.upenn.edu (Dave Koch) wrote:
>> . . . I realize that there is a clear distinction between
>> Hindu and ISKCON . . .
>The above may not be true if one considers the official statement
>published in 1992 by the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC),
>which contains the sentence:
>     ". . . ISKCON faithfully continues the core traditions of the
>Hindu faith. . . ."

I must note that, as usual, Jai manages to take the smallest excerpt possible 
in order to incriminate people. Why not just print the whole GBC resolution, 
Jai? Or are you afraid that such an honest display would prove you wrong?

Here is an excerpt from ISKCON's founder/acharya Srila Prabhupada on this 
issue. It is in "Teachings of the Vedas" which is in the introduction to his 
commentary on Sri Isopanishad.

	"You may call the Vedas Hindu, but HIndu is a foreign name. We are not 
Hindus. Our real identification is varnaasrama. Varnaasrama denotes the 
followers of the Vedas, those who accept the human society in eight divisions 
of varna and aasrama..." etc etc (explanation of varnaasrama and its relevance 
to serving Lord Krishna follows)

If there is any doubt on this matter, I encourage everyone to consult the text 
itself rather than believing in the statements of someone who is clearly 
inimical to ISKCON.

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