
Re: Animal-Killing, and Soul-Merging Condemned

Thank you, Ramakrishnan. You referred to an "ISKCON homepage on Shankara"
and instead produced some tract written by the Gaudiya Vaisnava Society
instead. My contention remains unchallenged -- I know of no ISKCON home-page
on Sankara, although I know of one that mentions him momentarily.

As far as Srila Prabhupada's purports stating that Sankara worked to
defeat Buddhism, that is also part of the Advaita tradition. For
example, see Vidya's Advaita home page at


I quote directly from it "Thus Sankara debated with Buddhist
philosophers, with followers of sAm.khya and with pUrva mImAm.sakas,
the followers of vedic ritualism, and proved more than capable in
defeating all his opponents in debate. Sankara then sought out
kumArila bhaTTa, the foremost proponent of the pUrva mImAm.sA in his
age, but bhaTTa was on his deathbed and directed Sankara to viSwarUpa,
his disciple." 

In article <4f6deg$ea3@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
Ramakrishnan Balasubramanian  <rbalasub@ecn.purdue.edu> wrote:
>I haven't seen your homepage, I don't know if you have this gem. If you don't
>please add the address to it. 

>The beginning of the page:
>                                Shankaracarya
>                 Originally published in "The Clarion Call"
>                                     by
>                       The Gaudiya Vaisnava Society.

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