Re: new site needs your point of view
vivek@cs.rice.edu (Vivek Sadananda Pai) wrote:
>In article <4j85fv$dpd@babbage.ece.uc.edu>,
>Shankar <Girija.Shankar@tus.ssi1.COM> wrote:
>>>>in a sarcastic manner. It is certainly a discussion about Hinduism.
>>>Actually, it isn't. It's a discussion about discussions about Hinduism.
>>And I thought a subset of a subset was still a subset of the superset.
>>Girija Shankar,
>The error lies in assuming that those things are subsets. Here's a
>simple proof by counter-example:
>Let's say that I'm discussing the Bhagavad Gita with someone. Now,
>let's assume that someone else does a word count of my post and
>replies with a message about the number of times the word "the"
>occurred in the various paragraphs of my post.
The 'discussions about discussions on Hinduism' are not the same as
counting the 'the's in a post.
>Clearly, my discussion would be on-topic, whereas the second post,
>which is a discussion about my discussion, would not be. So, either
Very true.
>your statement about subsets must be incorrect, or your application of
>it must be incorrect. Since the statement seems to be correct, I can
>only conclude that your application of it is wrong.
Girija Shankar