Re: ARTICLE : SRH Reorganization
>>>By all means, dig up that article, post and, and show me where ISKCON
>>>is even mentioned _once_ in connection with that children's book. I
>>>suspect that right now, you're about to grow very quiet, or that
>>>you'll just once again shift the focus of attack.
>> Clearly, Mr. Pai, you have no ethical qualms with lying. Let me
>>quote your post (July 19, 1996, 16:29:03):
>By all means, quote whatever you want, but recall what you mentioned -
>you said that you'd show that I used ISKCON's name in connection with
>the children's book. I didn't. That's why I said you'd either get
>quiet or shift the focus of attack, which is what you did. I note that
>you don't mention the children's book even once in your article, and
>_that_ was your claim.
Mr. Pai,
Just *who* are you trying to fool? You ask for "proof" and
when the proof is in your own words, you state "quote whatever
you want..."
When you can't defend your arguments and you've been caught
red-handed, you like to harp on technicalities. Recall what I said:
>SV> Look, Vivek, you yourself had a posting not too long ago where
>SV> you extolled your work for ISKCON (you talked about a children's book,
The claim had to do about your association with ISKCON (note I
didn't say membership in). This is undeniable, yet you want to deny it
now. Are you saying that you are not at all associated with ISKCON? If
that's the case, great, all the better for ISKCON! Now you just have to
wipe the public perception that you are associated with ISKCON. Even
more, you have to repair the damage that you've caused to ISKCON's
*That* was the claim. The context of the quote (about childen's
books) was peripheral, but you're even wrong about the technicality. Let
me quote you, Mr. Pai, in your own words (July 19, 16:29:03):
"Now, beyond that, it's fair to ask, 'well, the FWR site tries to
contradict ritvik philosophy, but do you do things which stand on their
own'. The answer, of course, is yes. I'm currently in the process of
putting together a Krishna-Conscious *cookbook* [emphasis is mine] aimed
at young children. It's geared towards a 'lesson plan' format where the
children not only learn how to cook, but they also get some Vaishnava
philosophy in the process. If anyone has recipes they'd like to
contribute, I'd be more than happy to consider them. Monetary recompense
, however, is not likely, since the book is probably going to be given
away free. Of course, I do other stuff as well - if you recall some of
the Houston Temple's Prabhupada Centennial T-shirts mentioned on ARV a
long time ago, I helped out with those, and I also helped together the
Houston Temple's Janmastami T-shirts a year or two ago."
Well, Mr. Pai, here you are in your *own words* extolling your
work for ISKCON (and on top of that, you *did* mention the cookbook).
Are you *still* going to deny any association with ISKCON?
Since the evidence is incontrovertible (it's in your own words),
the burden on proof is upon you! Prove that you have nothing to do with
ISKCON! If you can, then I'll gladly accept your proof along with an
apology for your harming ISKCON's reputation.
Sandeep Vaishnavi