Re: ARTICLE : SRH Reorganization
>> Just *who* are you trying to fool? You ask for "proof" and
>>when the proof is in your own words, you state "quote whatever
>>you want..."
>Mr Vaishnavi, I believe it is you who are trying to fool people, since
>you cloud what would otherwise be a reasonable argument with a coating
>of lies and exaggerations, and you don't have the decency to admit
>them with shown exactly why your hyperbole doesn't support your
Mr. Pai, you are *so* predictable! When confronted with your
misdeeds, you attack your opponent. You epitomize Srila Prabhupada's
term, 'word jugglery'. You *still* haven't shown why your penchant for
'proof' shows selective amnesia (retrograde and anterograde). If you
demand 'proof' of a perception (that you are advocating the srh reorg
due to a personal vendetta against Mr. Ajay Shah), I want 'proof' that
you are not affiliated with ISKCON at all. Are you, Mr. Pai, an ISKCON
congregational member? Are you, Mr. Pai, an annual member of ISKCON?
Are you, Mr. Pai, willing to state publicly that you have nothing
whatsoever to do with ISKCON? If that's the case, I find it curious that
you are working on ISKCON projects such as the Prabhupada Centennial -
recall your own quote:
Mr. Pai, July 19, 16:29:03:
"Of course, I do other stuff as well - if you recall some of
the Houston Temple's Prabhupada Centennial T-shirts mentioned on ARV a
long time agao, I helped out with those, and I also helped together the
Houston Temple's Janmastami T-shirts a year or two ago."
I would be curious, Mr. Pai, as to know *what* Houston temple's
Janmastami T-shirt you helped to design. Perhaps the ISKCON one?
As far as the perception that you are engaged in this srh reorg
due to a personal vendetta against Mr. Shah, the 'proof' is the
perception that I and others have of this. I have given you 'proof' of
my perception throughout this thread. Here's 'proof' of Mr. Shah's
Ajay Shah, April 4, 1996, 20:58:04:
"Vivekji's repeated questioning on this issue, even after so
many messages explaining the policies can only be explained by his
clearly politically motivated call for SRH re-organization based on
personal vendetta against this moderator."
Well, Mr. Pai, the moderator himself sees you as seeking revenge
and so the perception is clearly there that you are vindictive and are
bent upon a vendetta (note that 'vindictive' and 'vendetta' are the words
I used in my original post on this thread and I stand by them). Where
I'm concerned, Mr. Pai, is the black eye you're giving to ISKCON.
>Take on a new meaning for you. That book isn't part of ISKCON, and I'm
>not doing it for ISKCON. I might end up selling it at some reasonable
>cost, I might donate the rights to whomever is interested, or I might
>just go ahead and publish the whole thing on the web for
>free. However, there's no truth to the claim that I'm doing it for
Oh really? Let me ask again, what Houston temple have you
designed Janmastami T-shirts for? What organization has a Prabhupada
Centennial (for which you 'helped out for')? You denying any association
with ISKCON is absolutely ludicrous. The cookbook claim is from your
own message where you were 'tooting your own horn' and extolling your
work for ISKCON (and if you say you didn't mention the term 'ISKCON', let
me ask you again, what organization has a Prabhupada Centennial?)
>> The claim had to do about your association with ISKCON (note I
>>didn't say membership in).
So you now say you didn't contest that claim? Interesting, Mr.
Pai. Recall, if you will, the original reason for this thread. My
whole thesis is that you are besmirching ISKCON's image. You tried,
through various means, to distance yourself from ISKCON. Now you have
essentially corroborated my claim that you are indeed associated with
ISKCON (what could you have done when the 'proof' was in your own words?)
>You, my dear sir, haven't shown it to be within your authority to
>accept such an apology. But more bluntly, nobody died and made you
Exactly! Who died and made *you* king? You, my dear sir,
haven't shown it to be within your authority to demand 'proof' of
perception. If you demand 'proof', you should be required to show proof
of your own. Proove that you have nothing to do with ISKCON! (though
you suddenly have dropped this claim) Proove that your support of srh
reorg had nothing to do with vindictiveness against Mr. Ajay Shah (even
though he himself thinks that vindictiveness was on your mind)!
Before you go into legalese when you respond (as is your wont),
notice that you have conceded to me the claim I had made to start the
thread: that you are associated with ISKCON. As such, you are
besmirching ISKCON's image and I, as an ISKCON supporter, do NOT
appreciate it.
Sandeep Vaishnavi