ARTICLE : Is it the action or the result which leads to action
Posted By durgaprasad ayyalasomayajula (
12 Feb 1997 23:59:15 GMT
I some times wonder at the action-result theory.(KARMA theory or
Newtons third law of motion). The problem I face is on the question
"does the result lead to action or does action lead to result(s)(but always
I see every action has more then one result and each result inturn leads
to other actions.
Isolating myself from action-result frame and looking from a reference
point from a plane where I don't fall into action-reult frame, I couldn't
which one does lead to which and which is which.
(I'm not taking prvious births into consideration.even if I take
it into consideration , it is an unexplained circular loop)
Here is an example:-
Birth itself is a result(of the divine act(result of KAMA? ) that takes place in the
laboratory called bed room:-)),then we get milk as a result of crying(action),
but we cry(becomes result here) becuase of hunger(action? or result?) and
so on.
So how far is KARMA theory relevant.
Please don't beat me to death for asking such questions.
(people previously accosted me and banged me left and right)
I perfectly believe in god and Pray to him as you all do.
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