> I was on a panel recently with a dietitian who questioned whether it was
> healthy to raise children under 5 as vegetarians. As our discussion
> progressed, it struck me as increasingly racist to even ask that
> question given it is no secret that Indians of Asian origin have for
> ages raised health vegetarian children from birth. Medical research has
> also indicated clearly that as long as there are sufficient calories an
> Indian vegetarian is quite healthy.
"Racist" seems a rather strong word. I'd suggest "thoughtless." Americans
are not taught to examine their assumptions. I suspect many Americans
assume that the only vegetarian children abroad are the children of the
very poor, who can't afford meat. The American meat industry has long
taught that meat was necessary for health; the people on your panel may
simply have been the victims of bad education.
If you're interested in vegetarianism in America, I highly recommend a
magazine called "Vegetarian Times."
-- Will Shetterly NOTE: My prefered email address is "wshetterly@aol.com".
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