ARTICLE : vegetarianism
Posted By GOUNDER (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 10:19:50 +1200
Yes it is rue that taking another life just for filling your own stomach is a
sin that is believed in Hinduism.God created all the beings and gfave them the
natural food to satisfy themselves.We can see that some of the birds are vagans
anbd would only feed on natural food.The cow is another example.Try to give
a cow some tinned fish mixed with hay and see whether it eats or not.
But today humans are so advanced in that they have forgotten the types of food
that should be eaten.
God has created many natural foods for the humans to eat and they are not
allowed to kill animals for consumption.every jiva in this world has the right
to live so therefore there should not be any killings going on.It is believed
that the human gut is capable of natural food.
all this can be found in the b/gita if you read the explanations carefully.
I do not know which chapter but i'll find it out and tell you later.
I have some more to say about this topic but later.
Iam myself a vegan and Iam proud of it that Iam following the word of God.
Iam in my late teens.