< Instead of relying on quotes from Schopenhauer, Thoreau,
< and Emerson, who knew little of actual Hinduism and
< gathered what they did know from a selective and casual
< reading of a few texts, why not probe the true spirit
< of the religion by reading the philosophical works of
< Sankara, Ramanuja, or Madhva, or by exploring the depths
< of experience of saints such as Nammalvar, Manikkavasagar,
< or Chaitanya?
< Ironically, the same people who usually criticize the West
< for being crassly materialistic look to Western thinkers
< for inspired words on Hinduism."
The true spirit of Hinduism is being humble and willing to accept other
ideas with an
open mind. It is very important that we do not forget this fundamental
"dharma" of Hinduism. It hardly matters whether the quotations are from
thinkers or eastern philosophers. I agree with Mani that it is very
important that we
evaluate others using the true spirit of Hinduism. The True Spirit of
requires me and Mani to accept the truth wherever it comes from. I
remember the
famous Vedic Proverb which states that do not look for the roots of a
Rishi or a
I agree with Mani that reading the works of our great saints and scholars
important to get inspiration and motivation. Should it matter whether
the saints and
scholars come from east, west, south or north? Should it matter whether
they are
from India or from West? The True Spirits of Hinduism is revealed in the
Upanishads by the quotation "The more we know, we realize, more we don't
know!" The True Spirit of Hinduism is to develop an attitude to be
humble, open
minded, and not to judge others using our own standards.
Lot more courage, tolerence and discipline are needed to be humble.
Gandhi has demonstrated this True Spirit of Hinduism to the World through
words and deeds. True spirit of Hinduism is not exclusive to people from
India. It
has been demonstrated by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists,
Jews and others in different parts of this world. There are absolutely no
barriers for
any body to practice and demonstrate the "True Spirit of Hinduism."
Hinduism is
not a religion, it is way of life!
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