Re: REQUEST : Hinduism

Posted By Virender Dayal (
Fri, 28 Mar 1997 00:30:02 GMT (Sethu R Rathinam) wrote:

> wrote:
>: Dear Sir,

>: I am the president o Hindu society in the city of Tulsa the United states of
>: America. Recently I was confronted by a question by an American which was "
>: Meaning of Death in Hinduism " . I really could not find the exact answer for
>: the same , for the depth he wanted was immense.

>Many Hindu works of literature deal with the subject of death. You may
>point him to read the many Upanishads (Katha Upanishad, in particular, if
>he is pressed for time :) ). Also, the segments of Mahabharata that deal
>with Sanatsujatha's teaching that there is no death for the Self-realized.

Try Srimad-Bhagavatam available from Krishna Software in 18
volume-set. If you find a more elaborate or lucid explanation, the
entire set is yours for free. WWW.KRISHNASOFT.COM. There is a brief
description of some of its volumes at this site.



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