Dharma/Bhakti and Avatar
Posted By Yogesh Patel [C] (patelyg@cig.mot.com)
Wed, 05 Mar 1997 09:38:03 -0600
The fruits of "dharma" is heven -- which is not for ever.
The fruits of "Bhakti" is "moksha" which is for ever.
As Gita says, the purpose of Purusottam's incarnation on the Earth is
to establish "dharms" not "Bhakti" -- But the fruits of "Dharma",
compare to "Bhakti" are inferior and temporary.
The question is:
In waht ways, "Dharama" equvivalent to "Bhakti"?
(I will post the Answer Lord Swaminarayan gave and documented in
Yogesh Patel [C]