Pongal Celebrations
In Tamil Nadu:The first day of THAI is Pongal or Makara Sankranthi - a day of thanking Mother Nature in general and SURYA in particular, for his help throughout the year for a bountiful harvest. Chakarai Pongal was cooked in decorated brand new earthen pots, using the newly harvested rice, lentils and jaggery, and offered to Surya. Next day is Mattu (cow) Pongal. Cows and the cattle were washed and decorated. Bull fights were part of these festivities in villages. Sisters prayed for the welfare and prosperity of their brothers on this day (similar to Rakhi festival). Offering colorful rice and Pongal balls to birds was a part of these festivities. The celebrations ended on the forth day, Kanum Pongal, with a picnic where the young and old enjoyed a carefree day.
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