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Indian Hieroglyphic Dictionary (Set 5)
[based on cluster keys (pictorials) and Indian Lexicon keys (14 sets of lexemic concordance lists between 'image' words (or words which can be represented by hieroglyphs) and 'tool' words (or words representing the inventions of weapons of the bronze-age civilization)]

M410.jpg (3735 bytes)m410 karavu, kara_ = alligator karuvi = tool, weapon

karava_yi_ = anvil

Pict-49.jpg (3253 bytes)Field symbol 49

M006a.jpg (15000 bytes)m6a



sign211.jpg (950 bytes)









sign55.jpg (1068 bytes)

m1367a.jpg (4563 bytes) m1367a










sign327.jpg (1172 bytes)

pa_r.ho = spotted deer; parus.a = spotted



paha_ru = sheep, ram

ha_s = beads

pa_s'a = die, dice (See dotted circles on the standard)

bardu~r.u~c = bat


phala = point of arrow; pha_l = wedge (See the wedge-shaped glyphs in cuneiform script)

pa_li = vow; pa_lidaivamu = one's guardian angel or tutelary deity

pa_l, pa_li = canopy

pa_l.ega_d.u = chieftain

pa_l.i = a chekered dice play-cloth; pa_l.e = a gaming board table

pa_l.i, pa_l.em, pa_lika = wooden bowl

ba_lo = spider


par = pair


pa_ru = to jump, run

ba_ra_ = mouth of a vessel

ba_ru = betel (leaf)

paras'u = axe; pharsa_ = hatchet

pharha_ = spearhead; phal = blade, arrowhead

pa_r = metal bar, crowbar

pa_l.a = ingot of gold or silver; pa_s = silver ingot; pa_so = head of metal instrument


bhart = a mixed metal of copper and lead; bhart-i_ya_ = a barzier, worker in metal; bhat., bhra_s.t.ra = oven, furnace


pa_li_ = sharp-edged sword or sharp edge of a cutting instrument; pa_likai = point of a weapon; pa_li = sword-hilt;

phali = copper plate, slate; pa_le = a button or small disk of metal






bha_lu~ = spear


phari_ = shield



bari_ = anvil

Pict106.jpg (6850 bytes)FS 106




m1367a.jpg (4563 bytes) m1367a

karuvu, karugu = foetus


bo_raga = upside down

[bharan.i = 7th asterism figured by pudendum muliebre]

bo_ru = to butt or assault as a bull; bo_ri = bull, ox

bo_re = top of a hill

ka_l.a = bull



bo_riga = hoe

bari_ = blacksmith; bha_ran. = to bring out from a kiln


po_r = war, battle

ga_l.a = fish-hook

  gal.a = fish  
sign162.jpg (950 bytes) kan.isa = ear of corn; kan.ike = stalk of great millet kan.icci = battle-axe, goad; = battle-axe
M306.jpg (5182 bytes)m306 kanya_ = maiden  
M308.jpg (7220 bytes)m308 ka_n.a = one-eyed; kan. = eye kan. ob = knife; khano = sword, dagger-shaped knife; xanro = sword; xenli_ = spear
sign407.jpg (1008 bytes) kan.a = roller of mills gan.e, kan.i_ = arrow
M009a.jpg (12398 bytes)m009a kanni = yarn used for the border of a cloth in weaving  
m1186a.jpg (8742 bytes)m1186a kan.n.i = shoot of betel vines




tagaru = ram





takat.u = metal plate

sign373.jpg (949 bytes)Urseal~7.jpg (3473 bytes)Seal; UPenn; a scorpion and an elipse [an eye (?)] cinup = bracelet hin.ipa = razor
  sele = antelope  
sign201.jpg (1022 bytes)Sign 201 s'il = door wedge; sil = door frame  
  cella = branch of a tree  
sign56.jpg (1060 bytes) cel.l.u = flea, tick  
  jella = fish resembling the dragonet  
sign307.jpg (1079 bytes) cila = bow; sela = arrow  
sign161.jpg (935 bytes)Sign 161 cil.l.e = fork  
Urseal~7.jpg (3473 bytes)Seal; UPenn; a scorpion and an elipse [an eye (?)] ce_l.u = scorpion sel = long spear; s'el = arrowhead
Waterc~2.jpg (2985 bytes)
Ur seal impression
Note: Two stars: phonetic determinants; enclosure signs of the field:

( )
ta_rya_= ferryman; ta_ra_ = stars ta_rai = discuss weapon

ta_ri = chisel, axe

s'aru = missile arrow

ta_ru = arrow of the weavers which holds the yarn



















[Space to be filled after iterative exercises interpreting the glyphs and inscriptions].
















i_r = two

pat.a_ = long and broad sword

hake, gak = axe, adze

barca = spearhead (paras'u = axe)

vicikam = arrow (see vr.s'cika= scorpion) = cast metal (rod)

darkha_n. = adze; = cutting and paring

ce_t.akam = shield = carpenter's drill, gimlet

cilla_d.a = blade of knife or sword

kal.amba = arrow

kar..u = stake for impaling criminals

s'r.n.i, = elephant goad

jinsi_= heavy piece of artillery

alaka = blade of weapon

ir..ikai = dagger; is.uka = arrow

i_r = to saw

gharr.a = instrument for boring holes in arrow shafts

karha = an implement to drag earth (cf. karaka = pot)

kambeci = metal plate with holes for drawing wires

kurige = seed drill or sowing machine

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