It was his opinion that to be strong and self-reliant, India must achieve internal stability and exert more and more to contribute her share towards the achievement of international stability. The economic re-organisation, is to be based on the stable foundation of widespread moral faith and Culture. Education that was required to achieve this end should be Man making. "Man cannot come to education", said Swamiji. "Education must go to him, for remember, the nation lives in the cottage". This type of decentralised education from below, was visualised by Swamiji. Education in democracy, is in tended to give its citizens a two fold efficiency; moral efficiency proceeding from training in social awareness and sympathy and physical and mental efficiency, proceeding from training in productive talents and capacities, leading to material enrichment of societies.
The implication of the Doctrine of Trusteeship, forms yet another aspect of his economic ideology. Once, while talking to John D. Rockfeller, the richest, industrial magnate of U.S.A., Swamiji made him understand that the industrialist who had amassed a large sum of money should not regard it as his. He was only a channel and his duty was to do good to the world. God had given him all his wealth in order that he might have an opportunity to help and do good to the people. This discussion, though it infuriated Rockfeller to start with, actually made him come back to meet Swamiji again with a proposed plan of donation for public welfare.