Every year
Deepavali comes and goes. We celebrate it amidst mirth and laughter,
but do we ever care or pause to understand its true meaning and
message? Modern man has become a self sufficient entity, who has
lost the awareness of a power which is beyond his power of
comprehension. We are empty within and drift away on a tide of
trivialities, automatic actions and conditioned responses that do
not reach any significant level of intensity. We are fragmented
beings, afraid of ourselves.
If we look at
today's world, we are amazed at the success we have achieved, in
mastering to a certain extent, the disasters of Nature, but are
depressed by the little advance that we have made in the mastery
over human passions. We have learnt everything, but how to live on
earth, as human beings, we have yet to learn. A great Chinese
thinker has spelt us the way to reform the world. We can reform the
world, by reforming the States. We can re form the States, by
reforming families. We can reform families, by reforming ourselves.
So, the key to all improvement, is self improvement.