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Inward Integration

Inner Consciousness

In Prof. Julian Huxley's words: "We have learnt to soar high in the air like birds, we have learnt to dive deep into the water like fishes, but how to walk on earth like men, we have not yet learnt". Dreams cannot become realities, unless there are means by which we can implement them. Religion is another name for self improvement. We may call it in ward integration. In the words of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan: "In its essence, religion is re-integration of human personality and redemption of human society, an essential factor of all types of human ism". When the Hindus speak of jnaana, or wisdom, the Buddhist, of Bodhi or enlightenment, they are all thinking of an awareness of an inner consciousness, of an integrated growth and personality.

It is true that a man who is a victim of economic hardships and penury and who is hedged in and restricted by the struggle to live, can very rarely achieve inner consciousness of any high degree. A class that is downtrodden and exploited can never achieve inner progress. Thus, even for inner development, external freedom and a suitable environment are necessary. We must realise that we have to live together. We must have tolerance for other people's views, religious tolerance, ideological tolerance, etc. These are things which have become absolutely necessary for self-preservation.


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Dr.S.Radha Krishnan
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Inner Consciousness

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