Indeed, democracy
means restraint and discipline. We should subordinate our
self-interest to the general good. An unclean government, a divided
leadership signals instability. We want freedom not only for
ourselves, but for all others too. A happy man kind is the ultimate
end of human development. True religion is 'Jnaana Deepa'.
If the darkness vanishes, the sufferings produced by it will also
disappear, leading to the experience of supreme bliss, which
is native to us. To dispel this darkness, light is needed. The
moment a lamp is lit, darkness will vanish automatically. With
faith, the Supreme One will vouchsafe the light to us. This is the
true meaning of religion. This is an essential element in all forms
of humanism.
correctly interpreted and practised, gives value and dignity to the
individual. We are sparks of the Divine and it is for us to be
co-creators with God. Divinity is the inward principle of self. We
cannot reach this ideal of religious life without faith, deep
meditation, strenuous self-discipline and righteous