"The brahmins went their separate ways and I died. I was taken to the God of death,
Yamraj. "Yamraj asked me what I would like first "the punishment for taking away the brahmins cow, although by mistake, or pleasure for all the good deeds you've done?" I thought about it for a while and then I told Yamraj my decision, which was to take the punishment first then after that I could live without any worries."
"Yamraj said," since you sin was by a mistake, your suffering will not be for long" then
Yamraj, with his powers, turned me into an ugly lizard and I have been able to remember my previous life because of the good deeds I had done. I have paid for taking away the brahmin's cow and now my suffering is over.'
After the demigod had told Lord Krishna his story, he said, "I knew that if I remembered that supreme king Krishna, I would not only get out of this sooner, but be raised to higher planets." Then he boarded a plane to higher planets and went away. So you should never take way anything from a brahmin even by mistake, and you can't be raised to higher planets just by doing good deeds, you have to remember God in them.