
Annapoorneswari is
the presiding Goddess of Kashi (Varanasi-- Uttar Pradesh). The Divine mother of the
universe not only gives food and riches to her children, but also takes care of their
spiritual emancipation by bestowing the nectar of Atma Gnana - the knowledge of the self.
Adi Sankara who had immortalized the power and glory of Annapoorneswari in his immortal
hymns Annapoornastakam - eight verses rendered there, implores on our behalf the grant of
Gnana Vairagyam -- the steadfastness born out of realization. The beautiful golden image
of Annapoorneswari in the temple, which is hundred yards away from the Visweswara Temple
is thrown open for darshan to the devotees during Deepavali festival on Dhanathriodasi
Day when Pooja is performed for the golden idol and throughout next day on Chotti
Deepavali Day it is kept open for public darshan.
According to the Sthala Puranam -- the universal mother, who started on a journey down
south from Badrikasramam decided to stay at Varanasi because of the drought for twelve
years. |
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