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Indian Hieroglyphic Dictionary (Set 3)
[based on cluster keys (pictorials) and Indian Lexicon keys (14 sets of lexemic concordance between image words and tool words)]

M459a.jpg (1925 bytes)M463b.jpg (2348 bytes)m459A,Btablet ros- = to make, construct = large knife
  rohisa = fish  
sign243.jpg (971 bytes)sign242.jpg (952 bytes)

UUsign35.jpg (1067 bytes)

M268.jpg (2003 bytes)m268

M252.jpg (3157 bytes)m252

See scenes of spearing buffalo/bull
by a person kicking the animal



sign1.jpg (967 bytes)

kat.ra_ = enclosed piece of ground

kat.hra_ = a tub, platter, trough

ka_t.a = vessel for holding liquid; kat.ara_ = small open-mouthed cup; ga_d.avo = an earthen jar; ga_d.i = water trough for cattle, a manger

kat.ra_ = young buffalo = buffalo


kat.a_ri = young plump bull; ka_t.e = wild, untamed beast; ka_t.i = bison [kot.t.iyam = bull, ox; head of pack bullocks]

khot., khot.a = a kick


kot.ya = a shed, stall; kut.a_yi = a hut


ka_t.hi_ = body, person

ka_t.a = knife; kat.a_r = dagger, poniard, stiletto, dirk, kot.t.u = spade; = mallet

H176a.jpg (3420 bytes)

H176b.jpg (3965 bytes)

sign17.jpg (994 bytes)

sign63.jpg (1086 bytes)




(Also a ligature), e.g.: sign65.jpg (961 bytes)sign163.jpg (972 bytes)
M478b.jpg (2446 bytes)

m478Btablet (Note the lid on the narrow-mouthed vessel)

kha_t. = bier




kat.ika = mace-bearer


ka_t.a = quail


gad.d.a = beard about the chin

gad.a = young fish

gat.t.a = wooden stopper of a narrow-mouthed earthen vessel





ghat.t.a = mountain pass

ka_t.a = peg, hook; kat.ika = bolt,sliding catch










Sealim~2.jpg (2666 bytes)
Bisonb~2.jpg (4416 bytes)

M489a.jpg (3345 bytes)

M489b.jpg (3291 bytes)

M489c.jpg (3057 bytes)
m489A,B,C = copulation









kadale = herd of cattle [each animal is interpreted in this website as a specific weapon]

guddali = pickaxe









kad.tale = long-edged sword

K053.jpg (4868 bytes)k053 + Sign 327


sign8.jpg (1019 bytes)
Sign 8 + variants
m1224A.jpg (3494 bytes)
m1224B.jpg (3288 bytes)
m1224c.jpg (1949 bytes)m1224e.jpg (1986 bytes)m1224A,B,c,e cube seal

M257a.jpg (6856 bytes)m257a

ku_t.a = summit




kud.a, ku_t.a = pitcher

ku_t.a = chief







khu~t. = Brahmani bull; khu~t.r.o = entire bull used for agriculture but not for breeding; ku_l.i = covering bull; gu_l.i = bull, esp. a bull allowed to roam at liberty and dedicated to a deity; gu.l.i = a bull

ku_r.i_ = metal helmet




kur., ku_t.a = ploughshare



 = battle-axe

khu~t.a_, khu~t.i_ = stake, pin, post, peg, wedge; kon.t.i = pin that holds the share to the plough, ku_r.e = knife

sign267.jpg (968 bytes)sign30.jpg (1004 bytes) khu~t. = corner; ko_na = corner; ko_ne = a room

ko_n.a = long stick = scimitar;

gunapamu = crowbar

kon.api = flail

kun.d.i_ = fish hook

sign162.jpg (950 bytes) katir = ear of paddy

gan.d.ri = grass; ka_d. = weeds in field

kati.r = to cut; katy = knife, billhook

gan.d.ra god.d.ali = broad axe

sign148.jpg (977 bytes)

sign149.jpg (1043 bytes)

sathiya_, satthia = svastika_ glyph


svastika_ = meeting of four roads

catti = spear, trident; sathiya_ = knife, dagger
satthra_, s'astra = weapon; sastar= sword

svadhiti = axe to cut wood; svadha_ = axe, knife

hathiar = instrument, implement, arms

H196a.jpg (2574 bytes)H196b.jpg (2612 bytes)h196A,B




sign25.jpg (969 bytes)

d.ehka = carrying on shoulders

tegal = upper part of shoulder

deke = hip, rump, buttocs

deko = a Hindu

d.han:gar, d.a_n:gra_ = ox, bull

d.a_n:gra_ = wooden trough or manger sufficient to feed one animal


t.he~ga_ = stick


t.ek = hillock

ten:go = to stand, upright position

tega = scimitar, cutlass

tan:ga = large axe

t.en:goc = small axe

d.a_gili = anvil

sign53.jpg (1186 bytes) = claws of crab

dat.i, dat.hi = petioles and midribs of a compound leaf after the leaflets have been plucked off

da_tra = sickle, knife; = scythe
sign311.jpg (1019 bytes) thumri = lute to_mara = javelin = fish utan. = stake, arrow
Waterc~2.jpg (2985 bytes)

Ur seal impression
Note: Two stars: phonetic determinants;
enclosure signs of the field:

( )
ut.akku = to wrestle

hud.ukka_ = drum

ul.ku = star

ut.ka = ropes of carrying yoke

ut.akku = arrowhead
m1186a.jpg (8742 bytes)m1186a ul.e = ibex; ur..a = deer; utal. = ram = body

ur..a = king's paraphernalia; ul.i = battle-axe; udalla = hoe
sign244.jpg (978 bytes)

sign169.jpg (949 bytes)

sign149.jpg (1043 bytes)

B004.jpg (2015 bytes)B012.jpg (2852 bytes)b04,b12


M451a.jpg (2254 bytes)M451b.jpg (2203 bytes)

ke_n.i = small tank


ge_n.a = span measure (five fingers of outstretched palm)

ce_n.i = street


s'en, cennu = head of jowar or paddy




s'en = falcon


ge_n. = long knife




ce_n-ai, je_n = sword, a weapon




M463b.jpg (2348 bytes)m459B ci_n, ce_n.i = a pillar  
Indus-seal-t.jpg (2513 bytes) ce_n-ai, jina_ = saddle ji_na-s'a_le = armoury

se_niga = soldier

ji_n.em = to win

priest-t.jpg (2642 bytes) sena_l = senior se_na_ = army
m1170a.jpg (4090 bytes)m1171.jpg (3308 bytes)m1170a, m1171
K049.jpg (7004 bytes)k049
je_nu, jen = back  
sign176.jpg (965 bytes) ci_rn.i = comb ci_rn.a, ce_n.a = awl, chisel to cut metals
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