Lasanma Lalji? (Krshna in Garlic?)
How to Choose BhajansRecently (in late 1996) I heard a bhajan in which a devotee tells that he sees God and demigods in many vegetables. I was repeating bhajan lines happily after the singer until he sang, “kandama karshan, lasanma lalji.” The “devotee” says he/she sees Krshna in onion and sees Balkrishna in garlic, implying that he/she eats onion and garlic happily or even serves it to Krshna! Obviously, the “devotee” is not a Vaishnav.
This reminded me what Sri Prabhupada has said about choosing bhajans for satsang. He said, “Sing only bhajans sung by great devotees of Krshna, like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Narottamdas Thakur, and such pure devotees and aacharyas.” He advised us not to sing bhajan-like movie songs and songs made by non-devotees, because such songs move us away from Krshna. Note that "raghupati raghava raja ram" song is not composed by a devotee like Mira or Surdas. It manipulates religious sentiment of Hindus to achieve a personal political aim. It should be avoided.
This not to deny the fact that when a devotee advances sufficiently he/she sees Krshna everywhere in everything at every time (..vasudeva sarvamiti sa mahatma sudurlabha -Gita). However, he/she would not serve and eat garlic, onion, mushroom and such foods to Krshna because it is prohibited by our Shastras. These foods are tamasic in nature, and a devotee wants to raise himself/ herself from tamasic (mode of ignorance) to rajasic (mode of passion) to satvik (mode of goodness) guna (mode.) Ultimately he/she wants to surpass all three modes and become a gunatita (beyond the control of the modes of nature) as recommended by Krshna in Bhagavad Gita.
Jai. -SV
Other Web Sites
- bhajans: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/4637
- Narayan Sooktam
- Devotional Media: http://sailu.com/devotional/media/
Krishna BhajansHere is an assortment of Krishna Bhajan Realaudio links to listen to.
- Radhe Radhe Bolo
- Spiritual Food Glorification: sharIra avidyaa jaala
- Sitarama Kaho Radheshyam Kaho
- je game jagataguru deva jagadishane
- kaanuDo maagyo de
- taaro neDo laagyo mujane
- nanda babane mata jashodaji sambhare
1. http://bhajans.org/ram/ankhiyaa_hari_darashan.ram
2. http://bhajans.org/ram/bhaj_man_govind.ram
3. http://bhajans.org/ram/darashan_diijo_aaye.ram4. http://bhajans.org/ram/shrii_raadhaa_krishNaaya_namaH.ram
5. http://bhajans.org/ram/tum_taji_aur.ram
6. http://bhajans.org/ram/hari_hari_2.ram7. http://bhajans.org/ram/hari_patit_paavan.ram
8. http://bhajans.org/ram/hari_tum_haro.ram
9. http://bhajans.org/ram/he_govind_raakho.ram10. http://bhajans.org/ram/jaya_raadhe_raadhe.ram
11. http://bhajans.org/ram/re_mana_hari.ram
14. http://bhajans.org/ram/nandabaabaajii_ko.ram
15. http://bhajans.org/ram/raadheshyaama_he_ghanashyaamaa.ram16. http://bhajans.org/ram/hari_OM_namo_naaraayaNaaya.ram
17. http://bhajans.org/ram/krishnaM_vishhNuM.ram
18. http://bhajans.org/aaratii/kunjabihaarii.ram
Gita-govinda (Dashaavataara) by Sri Jayadeva
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