Dr R Nagarathna MD. MRCP(UK)
: 23.12.1944
Education : MBBS., MD (Gen. Medicine)
M R C P (UK)
1. Member of Royal Collegle of Physicians, Edinburgh
2. Fellow of International Collage of Angiology (FICA-USA)
3. Life Member of Association of Physicians of India
4. Third world Organization for Women in Science, C/o
Third World Academy of Sciences Triest, Italy.
5. Member of American Society for Psychical Research
1. DOCTORS DAY award by IMA, Bangalore branch awarded
on 1st July 1992
2. 'KARNATKA KALPAVALLI" award in 1995 for "Service to
women through Yoga" awarded by Sarswathi women's organisation, Bangalore.
Consulting Physician & Yoga Therapy consultant
a) Swami Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation (sVYASA),
Bangalore, India.
b) Suhruda Polyclinic, 50, 4th Main, Chamarajpet, Bangalore
- 560 018.
1972 Assistant Surgeon cum lecturer, CG Hospital
& JJM Medical College, Davanagere, Karnataka
1973 - 1975 Senior House Officer, Poole Hospital, Department
of Geriatric Medicines Middelesborough General Hospital, Cleveland, U K
1975 - 1977 Registrar, Rheumatology, kWest Lane Hospital
Middlesborough, Cleveland, UK
1977 - 1979 Chief Medical officer, Vivekananda Kendra
Yoga Chikitsa Nilayam, Kanyakumari, India.
1979 Visiting Consultant, Aswini Hospital, Mercara Coorg,
Karnataka, India.