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Chosen Instrument

Eknath Ranade, the chosen instrument for the spread of this vital man-making, nation-building and world unifying message was not only the patient builder of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial which took six years to build (1964-1970), and inaugurated on 2nd September, 1970, but was also a wise visionary, the founder of the Vivekananda Kendra, a Service mission of active dedicated men and women, who were to be the living, growing memorial to the message of the Master, Swami Vivekananda who had said in his wonderful inspiring prophetic words: "A hundred thousand men and women, fired with the zeal of holiness, fortified with eternal faith in the Lord and nerved to lion’s courage by their sympathy for the poor and the fallen and the downtrodden, will go over the length and breadth of the land, preaching the gospel of salvation, the gospel of help, the gospel of social raising-up and the gospel of equality". These were the words which were more the refrain of the one song which in the course of my eleven years long, continuous personal association with Shri Eknathji since 1971, I was privileged to hear again and again and he lived and died to translate this dream of Swami Vivekananda into a living reality, an actual fact, through Vivekananda Kendra, through the life workers whom he taught and trained and among whom he lived, worked and died.  


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About Eknath Ranade
A karma Yogi
The National Monument
Chosen Instrument
A Tireless Worker
A Thought Movement
Plan For A Kendra

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