Thought Movement
Eknath Ranade used
to call the Vivekananda Kendra, not only a Service-Mission, with a
cadre of dedicated life-workers, both men and women, but he also
used to call it a THOUGHT MOVEMENT, the thought being "Selfless
Service". He used to say, how very many or how few we are in
the Vivekananda Kendra within our cadre of life, will not matter so
very much, if we conceive of Vivekananda Kendra as a Thought
Movement for selfless service. 'Let people do selfless service, not
for life, for a few years, months, or only days, even for a few
hours and not necessarily under the auspices of Vivekananda Kendra
but under the auspices of any organisation or no organisation at
all, absolutely on their own as individuals in their own neighborhood, in their own family even, teaching or nursing their
own servant, who ever is in need but doing this as selfless
service'. The spread of this thought, the inculcation of this idea
of selfless service, is the essence of the Vivekananda Kendra's
ideal of work. And spreading this idea even beyond the borders of
India, abroad, was his last dream in the form of the Vivekananda
Kendra International.