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Plan For A Kendra Branch In Every District

But he had cherished another      dream, earlier, which he thought was not to be only a dream, but      which he wished to translate into a reality. He had thought and planned and also expressed that with the co-operation and support of well-wishers in all parts of India, in the decennial year of the Vivekananda Kendra, in 1982, we would have a branch of the Vivekananda Kendra in every district of our country. The dream was certainly desirable, but the plan seemed quite ambitious, yet the desire was very much there in him as among the workers. The dream and the plan still remain with us.  Eknathji is no more with us physically, yet lie is still here in his dream" his plan, his example of a dedicated life, his pursuit

with determination of a set-purpose, from which he would not be distracted, for which he would work resolutely, persistently, consistently, with a vigour and a will, with determination and dedication, tirelessly and selflessly. Can we learn from his life, his example, to do so? Shall we try? Let each one answer for himself or herself.   


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