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Hindus consider Suryanamaskar to be one of the most important mantra/exercise combination. Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Posture : 9
This is a pictorial presentation on how to perform SooryaNamaskar (Surya Namaskar)

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Posture 9: Exhale.    
Adharaasana or Uttanaasana:    

same as Posture 2.  

or Surya Namaskar

d3.gif Introduction
d3.gif Mantra
d3.gif Posture 0
d3.gif Posture 1
d3.gif Posture 2
d3.gif Posture 3
d3.gif Posture 4
d3.gif Posture 5
d3.gif Posture 6
d3.gif Posture 7
d3.gif Posture 8
d3.gif Posture 9
d3.gif Posture 10



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