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Hindus consider Suryanamaskar to be one of the most important mantra/exercise combination. Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Mantra and Soorya Namaskar
This is a pictorial presentation on how to perform SooryaNamaskar (Surya Namaskar)

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A Mantra is useful in achieving concentration. It is for the same reason, a mantra is uttered  before a Sooryanamaskar. 

The mantras are  :

Om mitraaya namah 
Om ravaye namah 
Om sooryaya namah 
Om bhaanave namah 
Om khagaaya namah 
Om pooshne namah 
Om hiraNya garbhaaya namah 
Om mareechaye namah 
Om aadityaaya namah 
Om savitre namah 
Om arkaaya namah 
Om bhaaskaraya namah 
Om sri savitra soorya narayaNaaya namah 



or Surya Namaskar

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d3.gif Mantra
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d3.gif Posture 6
d3.gif Posture 7
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d3.gif Posture 9
d3.gif Posture 10



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