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Hindus consider Suryanamaskar to be one of the most important mantra/exercise combination. Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Posture : 5
This is a pictorial presentation on how to perform SooryaNamaskar (Surya Namaskar)

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Posture 5: Exhale and hold.    
Ashtaanga namaskaraasana: 

The body is lowered to touch the ground at the forehead, chest and the knees. The rest of the body will be up in the air supported by the forehead, chest and knee. Remain in this posture for 5 seconds.  Exercises the back, shoulder and chest muscles.

or Surya Namaskar

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d3.gif Posture 5
d3.gif Posture 6
d3.gif Posture 7
d3.gif Posture 8
d3.gif Posture 9
d3.gif Posture 10



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