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Hindus consider Suryanamaskar to be one of the most important mantra/exercise combination. Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Posture : 1
This is a pictorial presentation on how to perform SooryaNamaskar (Surya Namaskar)

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Posture 1: Inhale.
Urdhva namaskaarasana:

Palms of both hands are  joined, and slowly pulled up with the hands endng up to the sides of the ears, body is bent backwards, with eyes looking towards the hands.    

If you cannot hold  palms together, open them but tie the palms with the thumb fingers. This activates the front portion of the body from toes to forehead. This posture is very good for upper and lower back. Hip muscles become stronger , chest becomes wider. Blood circulation increases to the head and hands.  

or Surya Namaskar

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