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Hindus consider Suryanamaskar to be one of the most important mantra/exercise combination. Looking for Hindu Resources? : Check out The Hindu Universe
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Posture : 4
This is a pictorial presentation on how to perform SooryaNamaskar (Surya Namaskar)

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Posture 4: Exhale.    
Dwi paada prasaraNa aasana or chaturanga danDaasana  (Both legs behind):

Second leg joins the first leg with both feet joined (press them to one another), body in a inclined plane. In this posture, only the two hands (palms) and the finers of the legs touch the ground. The head of the body should be at a higher plane and the les will be in a downward slope. The head will be looking straight and focus the eyes to 10 feet in front of the body. Remain in this posture for 15 seconds. Streches the complete body thus  activating the blood circulation.

or Surya Namaskar

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d3.gif Posture 6
d3.gif Posture 7
d3.gif Posture 8
d3.gif Posture 9
d3.gif Posture 10



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